Bitcoin Cats Roadmap - 1CAT Chain, the Meme Culture, and Entertainment Ecosystem

Bitcoin Cats
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Today, we’re thrilled to share with you a milestone that marks a significant step forward for Bitcoin Cats!

1CAT Chain will be launched, which is a modular Bitcoin Layer2 network compatible with EVM, building the most meme-centric decentralized entertainment ecosystem.

1CAT Chain is Coming!

Introducing 1CAT Chain

1CAT Chain is an EVM-compatible Bitcoin Layer2 network, is set to bring meme culture to life within a dynamic entertainment ecosystem. Below are some of its main features.

1. Dual-token model with $BTC and $1CAT

Both $BTC and $1CAT can be used as gas, and staking $1CAT can serve as a validator node and earn gas rewards. This model creates essential needs for $1CAT, while offering our community a direct way to engage with and benefit from the ecosystem’s growth and security.

2. Compatibility with assets on BTC and ETH

1CAT Chain enables the compatibility and interoperability with innovative assets on both BTC and ETH networks, such as inscriptions, ERC404 and other protocols across different chains, bringing together players from different communities.

3. Modularity, Scalability and EVM compatibility

1CAT Chain is a modular blockchain that ensures excellent scalability and EVM compatibility, making it friendly for all. Developers can smoothly create smart contracts on 1CAT Chain, while users enjoy seamless access to the ecosystem through their most familiar wallets.

1CAT Chain - the Most Interesting Bitcoin Layer2

Why Launching a Chain?

1. Establish a leading position in Bitcoin Layer2 space

The Bitcoin Layer2 landscape is set to be the engine for the next bull market. The 1CAT chain has the opportunity to become the first mainnet to launch in the Bitcoin Layer2 space.

2. Unlock greater potential for Bitcoin Cats

Launching a chain allows Bitcoin Cats to explore broader horizons, create more room for growth, and greatly support our vision of building an entertainment ecosystem.

3. Capture the ecosystem value and empower $1CAT

By establishing our own chain, we’re able to capture more value from entertainment ecosystem developments, significantly empowering the $1CAT token and NFTs.

Building the Ecosystem

Our vision for the 1CAT Chain is to build the most interesting chain, focusing on Meme-Fi, Game-Fi, Social-Fi, AI-Fi, DAOs, innovative protocols and marketplaces, and various entertainment applications.

Bitcoin Cats will establish partnerships with renowned projects and set up ecosystem incentive program to reward node operators, liquidity providers, developers, content creators and communities.


Testnet Stage: The Testnet of 1CAT Chain and a brand-new website will be launched this week.

1CAT Chain Faucet
1CAT Chain Testnet Explorer

Mainnet Stage: The Mainnet of 1CAT Chain will be launched between Mar 2024 and Apr 2024 with various applications such as DEX, Launchpad, NFT Marketplaces, Inscriptions, Games, and many others. 1CAT Chain has the opportunity to be the first Bitcoin Layer2 with Mainnet launched.

1CAT Chain Official Bridge

Long Term: Keep building the Bitcoin Cats ecosystem, including setting up Ecosystem Incentive Programs, and collaborating with well-known projects and communities to construct the most interesting entertainment ecosystem.

Let’s Make Bitcoin Cats a Legend, Together

Let’s Make Bitcoin Cats a Legend, Together! Love you all! Meow~

