Bitcoin 2019 — Time to Make Bitcoin Fun Again!

Bitcoin Magazine
3 min readJan 30, 2019

Last month we shared our vision to “Make Bitcoin Fun Again” and our plan to rededicate Bitcoin Magazine’s editorial coverage to the original cryptocurrency and the development of the Bitcoin community (we hope you’re enjoying the changes). We also promised new, exciting developments to come.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce our next contribution toward this vision — Bitcoin 2019. Dedicated to incubating the BTC community, Bitcoin 2019 is our attempt to provide users, developers and the industry at large an annual expo where we can collaborate, learn and inspire each other.

The name, Bitcoin 2019, is an homage to the first major Bitcoin conference (and single best conference of all time): Bitcoin 2013 — a magical moment when the Bitcoin community was unified and nerds filled the hotel lobby until the early morning while dreaming of what Bitcoin could become. This sense of shared wonder and spontaneous commitment to realizing Bitcoin’s potential is a critical part of rekindling the BTC community.

First, the Details:

What: Conference + Exhibit Hall + Hackathon

When: June 25–26

Where: SVN West, San Francisco

Who: The BTC community and industry (but not a BTC “maximalist” event); 2,000+ attendees



This conference is exclusively focused on Nakamoto-consensus Bitcoin, referred to as “BTC.” All people are invited to participate as long as they are there to talk about BTC. Bitcoin 2019 is not a “Bitcoin maximalist” event or even an “anti-any-other-crypto-or-fork” event. It’s just a BTC event. The focus is on moving past scaling debates to talk about how we can improve the Bitcoin we have today without breaking consensus. The content will be focused on Bitcoin’s potential and identifying goals that the community can rally behind. As part of this focus, we will welcome both new and old faces, representing a diverse range of ideological views, to ALL check their past baggage (and bags) at the door and rediscover what UNITES us.

What to Expect:

From the biggest miners and most active core devs to Fortune 500 companies and anarcho-capitalist, Bitcoin 2019 will seek to unite the Bitcoin community in an industry-wide event.

Ahead of the conference, we will be hosting a virtual hackathon for ideas built atop and around Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. During the conference, we’ll have wide-ranging content, plenty of opportunities for networking and both official and unofficial parties. One more thing: This is a drama-free zone. We don’t want to hear about your Bitcoin 2.0 protocol, and we don’t care about what has been said on crypto-twitter in the past. This is an opportunity to focus on what excites all of us. It’s time to bring Bitcoin to the forefront of the global conversation, and it’s time to make Bitcoin fun again.

Oh, and tickets are only $100.

So, come one, come all. Come celebrate Bitcoin with us and come work with us to build the future of commerce. If you have content suggestions or speaker proposals, feel free to fill out this short form. Our website is live, and the first round of speakers has been posted! Come check us out.

To the Moon!




Bitcoin Magazine

The most accurate and up-to-date source of information, news and commentary about #Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.