Bitcoin Cat
3 min readOct 11, 2019


What is it¿?

Register for free in Arbistar 2.0;

Before talking about Arbistar, I would like to explain what arbitration is since this is the first motive why this business seemed attractive to me.

Arbitration, no matter the medium (cryptocurrencies, financial assets, bets, etc.), is the use of the market to get safe profits because of the difference between the purchase of 2 equal options. It will not matter what you do, you will win yes or yes. Assume that you bet in such a way in a football match (Real Madrid-Barcelona) that no matter the result, your bet comes out winning, and therefore, you make money. This is arbitration and can be employed in other fields. If you want to know more, I recommend to you to see what arbitration is in Wikipedia. With the advance of computer science, mathematical processes to succeed in arbitration have improved a lot, so this is why I want to talk about Arbistar.

Arbistar is a company that has made a series of mathematical algorithms to create a Bot (Robot) that is successful in cryptocurrency arbitration, in order to take advantage of the price differences between the diverse exchanges.

To explain to you even better, if the price of BTC in Coinbase is € 10,000 but, instead, in Bitfinex the cost is € 10,100. This gives us an exact difference of € 100, which means that if we bought 1 BTC in Coinbase and sent them to Bitfinex to sell it again, we would get a yield of € 100 at a time. An excellent business, right? This cannot be done manually, since we can lose due to a fall while we wait to receive the BTC in the exchange in which we desire to sell, and that is where Arbistar 2.0 comes in handy.

What are Arbistar 2.0 products?

Arbistar VIP license, only with an amount of 5,000 units that will include the 4 Forex Bots, plus the Personal Bot, plus any product that the corporation brings to the market, for just € 5,000 in a single mortgage.

Pipster Bot: Forex bot that unlike trading with Marin Gala, which sometimes provokes an account to burn, operates against it.

Pipster Plus Bot: Same as Pipster but for accounts of more than € 30,000

Trailer Bot: Bot that will perform few operations in the market, but will study patterns, and when it detects a long fall or rise in price … it will immediately operate.

Ann Bot: Bot that will work through news or fundamentals, since the news causes prices to move.

Community Bot: This plan consists of a community bot, they make as a fund or investment bag among the whole community that wants to invest, by only contributing and the company will do all the operations for us. The only option we can Control is whether or not reinvest our profits from both operations and the commissions made by the referral system. This plan allows you to make minimum investments of 300 euros up to a peak of 50,000 euros, per user.

Personal Bot: It is the star product, by which we can have the acquisition of a bot that will perform cryptocurrency arbitration operations automatically, but our money will be under our control, 100% protected in our exchanges. All this is an excellent advantage because having the control of your money is essential, although, on the other hand, it will be trades that somehow are not in our control but well.We can generate benefits daily and decide what to do with the benefits, whether we reinvest them, withdraw them, and store them in other wallets

Forecast to get more products (BOT of commodities) + (BOT of scalping) during the year 2020



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