Effortless and Limitless Crypto Transactions to Any SEPA Bank Account!

2 min readNov 8, 2018


Bitcoinus is about to shake online payments industry by introducing the most innovative approach — Smart Payments.

This solution will enable Bitcoinus clients to convert crypto currencies to Euro and send them to any bank account located anywhere in the SEPA area (and later — almost anywhere in the world). As most of banks avoid crypto at all cost — this is a great new and secure way to circumvent this problem: the crypto currency you will be sending to a particular bank account, will be firstly converted to FIAT and then will reach the bank account which you have specified. As this solution does not require using multiple interfaces to make the transfer — it’s a convenient and easy way of getting your crypto funds to a preferred bank account. And to put the icing on the cake: ‘Smart Payments’ will not only offer effortless and limitless transactions but, also, a very low fee per transaction — it’s nearly FREE!

What is SEPA?

SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) harmonises the way cashless euro payments are made across Europe. It allows European consumers, businesses and public administrations to make and receive the transactions. SEPA covers the whole of the EU. It also applies to payments in other European countries: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino.

How to Pay Someone with Crypto Using Bitcoinus ‘Smart Payments’ Solution?

  1. Firstly, create an account on www.bitcoinus.com where you will be able to access your Bitcoinus wallet straight after the approval of your KYC procedure.
  2. To start sending crypto currency to a bank account — go to ‘Smart Payment’ section and enter:
  • The amount you want to send (e.g. €100);
  • IBAN of a bank account you want to transfer the funds to;

Press SEND!

Vuolia! — the transfer has been made and it should reach the bank account as soon as it processes the payment, usually it takes up to 2–3 business days.

Try it now — we promise you will be satisfied!

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Cutting edge crypto payment solution for all e-commerce platforms & e-shops with integrated major cryptocurrencies. Visit our website: https://www.bitcoinus.com