5 Fun Facts about Bi DID

Bit islands
4 min readNov 7, 2022


Decentralized identifiers(DIDs) are a core part of Blockchain technology and the Web3 world, as it is the only means of accessing the web3 space.

web3 identity is still, for most users, something that requires a lot more improvement to achieve a perfect user experience.

One project that has stepped up to bring about a lasting solution to the challenge of DID in web3 and make the Blockchain and web3 world more convenient and satisfying is the Bi DID. Bi DID is a decentralized identity created to solve the problems of adoption, experience and identity for web3 native users. This project is the only holistic solution to the multiple challenges of Decentralized Digital Identity on the Blockchain.

One unique feature of the Bi DID is that it is the only decentralized DID that allows users to own a real name in the web3 world instead of the traditional alphanumeric string of codes or the domain identity system. For example, we all have names in the real world which is the bedrock of our physical identity; in the web3 world, native users should also be allowed to import their physical identities into the real world. With Bi DID, you can own a real name as your DID.

Here are some interesting facts about Bi DID


The first interesting fact about Bi DID is that it is creating and will continue to create an inflow of new users into the web3 and Blockchain world with its less complex identity system. This means more users can migrate into the web3 space from the web2 space. Many users have been disinterested in anything web3 and Blockchain due to several shortcomings in the user experience, of which identity architecture is the main component. With an identity system where users can own an actual name rather than a set of codes or a renewable domain, new users will be motivated to hop on the moving train of the Blockchain ecosystem.

Unique Identity

It is first a sense of uniqueness and personal identity for existing users. For so long, all web3 natives have had no sense of individuality and personal identity due to the lack of a personalized identity system on the Blockchain. With the ability to choice of a real name DID that Bi DID provides, all Blockchain native users can now have a sense of unique identity within the Blockchain ecosystem.

This is also true for organizations and influencers who would love to be named after their organizations rather than just random codes. Bi DID is fast becoming the go-to digital identity for all web3 and Blockchain natives.

Promoting Social Interactions

The truth is the on-chain social interaction amongst Blockchain users has been relatively poor, to say the least, due to the absence of a proper identity system that represents the users’ true identities. The Blockchain ecosystem has become more like an island with everyone dispersed and scattered. The on-chain social interaction among users will significantly improve through a simple identity system such as Bi DID. With Bi DID, users can easily locate one another, creating a more robust social bond and relationship among users.

Flexibility of ownership

With uniqueness comes the flexibility of ownership. Bi DID gives absolute flexibility to holders with the possibility of transferring it to another user in the form of an NFT. This is essentially important to a decentralized system like the Blockchain. A holder of this identity can decide to transfer that Bi DID to another user for personal reasons, and Bi DID gives you that liberty. Also, the Bi DID allows for multiple ownership of IDs, which can further create more diversification among holders.

Improved User Experience

Bi DID will significantly improve users’ on-chain experience by allocating a profile page for every Bi DID holder that will show all the users’ on-chain activities and interactions. This will create a more comprehensive and simplified display of users’ data and on-chain activity.

With onboarding a truly unique and personalized identity system, the Blockchain ecosystem will be more interactive and engaging; users will have a better experience and social interactions. In the near future, many more exciting features will be added to the Bi DID, and it will also function across several main chains.

We can only see this as the beginning of the web3, which is more user-friendly and filled with endless possibilities.

About Bi.social

Bi.social provides Web3-native social networking services. Unlike other social protocols or components that provide single functions, Bi.social is dedicated to building an integrated Web3-native social network. Based on users’ on-chain data, Bi.social focuses on native interacting scenarios and provides a series of Web3 social features, including Space, Search, DID, etc. Eventually, it will evolve into the largest social networking infrastructure and platform in the Web3 world.

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Bit islands

Bit islands (Bi.social), Web3-native Social Networking Services | Bi DID, Own Your REAL ID in Web3