As Bitminer Factory sold over $2M BMF tokens, Alternative Mining Solutions are on their way

Bitminer Factory
2 min readJul 30, 2018


We launched our ICO — Initial Contract Offering on the 21st of July and Bitminer Factory already reached the $2M in sales milestone. The sale will remain open until the end of September. Our Operations Team is already working on implementing our Mining Facilities in Bosnia Herzegovina. Our R&D team is currently working on Alternative Mining Solutions, here is an update.

Bitminer Factory plays Artificial Intelligence and it’s not a game

Bitminer Factory is experimenting IBM technology based on POWER9 processor and its suite of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to create a product that can optimize a server farm dedicated to cryptocurrency mining.

Specifically, the product that is under development (with the support of IBM and one of its partner), must automate the arbitration processes between cryptocurrencies and optimize the profit from mining, analyzing information in real time from the web, the “classic” media, the social media. Bitminer Factory wants to play the role of catalyst for R&D on BlockChain and IA and pilot a new industrial revolution.

IBM servers equipped with the new POWER9 processor were created specifically for complex computational workloads of AI (Artificial Intelligence), improving learning times of deep learning frameworks almost four times, thus allowing companies to develop AI applications more accurate and faster.

These servers are also the first to integrate PCI-Express 4.0 technologies, the new NVIDIA NVlink 2.0 and OpenCAPI generation, whose combination can accelerate data transfer up to 9.5x compared to PCI-E 3.0-based x86 servers. IBM’s new system is designed to perform demonstrable performance improvements within well-known AI frameworks like Chainer, TensorFlow and Caffe, or accelerated databases such as Kinetica.

POWER9, already used by Google, is among other things the heart of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, namely Summit and Sierra of the United States Department of Energy.

Likewise, Bitminer Factory wants to achieve significant improvements in business performance for companies operating in its sector.

