Bitswift Community Updates
6 min readNov 15, 2018


Bitswift Community Update — November 15th , 2018

We are back at it again for the November monthly update. As always, our development team has been very active and we want to share our progress with you. Without further ado lets get started! platform updates platform is coming together rather nicely. The community continues to grow as we experiment with a community driven basic income project and a gateway to the token economy. Currently, there are 94 verified citizens and 150 registered citizens using the platform. We have also noticed some voucher redemption's on the platform, which means people are using services as a means to enter the asset based token economy.

If you’re not claiming your CASH tokens, you should be, what are you waiting for? Go and visit: to start claiming your CASH tokens instantly!

Figure 1. Interface

We have made some new additions to the platform, most notably you will see the “item mine” menu option (Figure 2.) which allows citizens to claim other types of digital assets along with their daily CASH claims. The first claimable asset (BITS) needs no introduction and the second one is CDN which is a legitimate blockchain based digital currency trading on altcoin exchanges. For more information about the CDN digital currency please check out their website: We welcome CDN coin and the Canadian-E coin community to platform.

Figure 2. Item Mine

Claimable Assets

We now have 3 claimable assets on (BITS /CASH / CDN) each with different claim variables that can be adjusted dynamically and while in production to accommodate new demand from citizens or price fluctuations.

Here is the breakdown for claiming these assets:

CASH — Claim up to 100 per 24 hour period

CDN — Claim up to 1 per 24 hour period

BITS — Claim up to 0.01 per 24 hour period

Bitswift has made quite the amount of friends in the crypto-space since 2014, and perhaps you will see these friends bringing value to users in the Item Mine in the near future.

Blockchain Interface

We made some updates to the blockchain interface menu as seen in Figure 3. , the blockchain interface now supports details of assets along with the options to withdraw the new assets to your external account.

Figure 3. Blockchain tab interface

New Exchange Listings

We have been in constant search of new exchanges who would like to support a BITS token market. Its not so easy when most major exchanges are asking for 10 BTC plus for a listing. We are not prepared to drop 10 BTC ($50,000+) list our market on ANY exchange, better that we use that value to build out a nice interface for our own decentralized asset exchange and turn that into a business product. winky face.

With that said, we have had some leads with some Canadian based exchanges, we will pursue these opportunities with effort to extend the reach of Bitswift tokens to a wider audience. Specifically considering our project is Canadian based, it would be nice to see Canadian markets supporting Bitswift tokens. Regardless of any 3rd party exchange supporting Bitswift or not, we remind our users that Bitswift blockchain already packs a decentralized exchange which is accessible through the web client at Users should also be aware that they can avoid exchanges all together and purchase BITS with Canadian dollars through the flexepin top up system.

Bitswift in the News

An article that has been made on a PR Newswire which lists Bitswift in the top 10 list called “Top Blockhain Technology Companies“.

People are taking notice that Bitswift is backed by a real business model that works. Our tech company ( continues to educate customers on how they may manage their own digital assets, and how they may utilize our blockchain to bring value to their business. Our dedicated blockchain app development company continues to ensure the security and longevity of the Bitswift ecosystem while building out new apps that make our ecosystem accessible and interesting.

With the running of ,,,, and we have built out a solid product line this year which we will continue to build on and turn into profitable and trusted business products. Our development team is incredibly active behind the scenes and we always provide you with transparent monthly updates each month so that you can see any progress that is being made.

You can read the news article here:

Blockchain Conference Nigeria

A some of you may know our tech company, Bitswift Tech, is composed of independent contracts (partners) working in synergy to educate business and users on the benefits of blockchain tech. The focus with our tech company is to provide Technology Solutions to businesses, this includes providing Blockchain Technology solutions. To integrate and to provide the support mechanisms for anyone looking to get into blockchain and token markets. As you can see, our tech fleet expands far beyond Canada, in fact to much warmer places on this earth, Nigeria!

Figure 4. Bitswift Nigeria — WA Cyber Security and Blockchain Technology Conferences 2018.

We would like to send a personal “thank you” out over to the Bitswift team in Nigeria for helping spread the good news about Bitswift. Our representative there had an opportunity to mingle with others in the space from Ardor, including the new child chain team for Dominium which is working with property on the blockchain. You can check their project out there:

New Local Bitswift Tech Rep

We have been very busy locally supporting businesses with their technology infrastructure, so busy in fact that we are needing more representatives to help with the amount of new work we have on the go. Shortly we will have a new Bitswift Tech rep locally in Kingston in the coming weeks, perhaps we can introduce them on the next monthly newsletter, along with the reasons why we need more reps.

We are building a network of partners across the globe who are passionate about technology, and we are utilizing each others skillets to bring value to our customers and each other. If you are into technology, products, support, installs, sales, services and perhaps looking to run your own business, check out our tech company over at

Figure 5. company vehicle — Lake Ontario (Kingston)

Our shop continues to build trust among Canadian based customers who are ordering and receiving their products from The shop is being used as a sales tool among our distributed task force team (our reps). Support Bitswift by purchasing from our shop. We’ve made a special T-shirt that has been instantly liked by many of our supporters. You can purchase it here:

Additionally keep your eyes out for some promotions going on A little birdy told us that VR gear will be nicely priced just in time for Christmas. A reminder that customers can check out using a variety of digital currencies to pay for their products.

Join us on other social platforms!

Our community on Telegram and Discord are growing, so please join us there if you are at all interested in getting more involved.

That’s it for the today’s monthly update. Please join us on other social platform’s to support the development and help the community grow.


Discord :



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Closing Quote

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” — Mother Teresa

Figure 6. Mother Teresa

