Bitswift — Community Updates
5 min readJul 15, 2018


Community Updates — July 15th, 2018

We are back at it again for the July 2018 monthly update. We hope you found our last update exciting and informative. We have some exciting news for you this month, so let’s get started!

Bitswift Ticker Change

Bitswift has received a ticker change on Wednesday June 20th on the Bittrex markets. The ticker was changed from SWIFT to BITS. News from Bittrex regarding this change can be found at the following link:

BITS ticker update
Figure 1. Ticker updated on Coinmarketcap & Bittrex

We have been notifying all 3rd parties supporting our market and blockchain statistics to update with the new ticker. Bittrex and Coinmarketcap have already completed the requested updates. We are confident that the ticker change will play a positive role in future marketing and promotion efforts. #BITS

Solar Powered Bitswift Bundlers

This is what Bitswift “mining”(bundling) may look like. Using a Raspberry Pi3 B+, solar panels, and an external battery to run a completely green Bitswift Blockchain node. Proof of Stake based Ardor child chains sure have their benefits.

It can be seen how the setup is so simple that even a group of garden gnomes can put it together. Garden gnomes use crypto don’t you know.

Figure 2. Bitswift bundling using the power of the sun

Reddit Post Link: (we appreciate up votes)

Comparing this fairly simple and efficient swift solar setup to the standard sha256 / scrypt setup that can be seen on Figure 3, it can be concluded that Bitswift is likely more energy efficient.

Figure 3. Standard setup used for mining proof of work coins / tokens

You can read more about solar powered Ardor nodes from our friend MrV’s post on medium:

We will be testing various hardware solar / battery / pi configurations in an effort to put together a Bitswift bundling kit which we are confident in. Perhaps you see this kit available on in a future update. progress beta testing is still in progress and we are actively resolving bugs to try and release this gateway as soon as possible. As you all probably know by now, CASH token will be used as a digital currency on Bitswift blockchain and its purpose will be to create a gateway from CAD to Bitswift, making the ecosystem easily accessible. Currently we have successfully implemented Flexepin vouchers on the platform that can be used to purchase tokens.

Figure 3. Example of

Verified users will have the ability to claim up to 100 free CASH tokens daily on the platform. These CASH tokens may be traded between users on the decentralized asset exchange.

Bitswift shop updates

We have been very busy the last month with shop updates. enables customers to purchase tech gadgets using various blockchain based digital currencies, including bitswift, ardor, nxt, doge, and cdn-e coin. The shop also accepts legacy forms of payment options such as visa and mastercard. Feel free to visit our shop here:

Recently we have added social links to all of our posted products, multiple image support for products along with higher resolution images, security updates and patches. We will be pushing larger updates in the near future supporting completely new product and categories as well as a new friendlier look and feel.

We remind the crypto-community that anyone can be rewarded with TECH tokens from passive sales from our shop, all you need to do is sign up to the shop referral program and start using your referral code:

You can earn 5% of your order back in cryptocurrency, so this is a nice little perk for purchasing items from TECH tokens trade with bitswift tokens on the decentralized asset exchange. Happy selling! products can also be found on Newegg Canada:

Toronto and Ottawa marketing

The Bitswift tech team has been focusing on Toronto and Ottawa expansion and has been planning marketing and branding efforts to reach Toronto and Ottawa communities. If you are interested in growing your tech business faster with the power of Bitswift behind you, feel free to contact us here Currently we are seeking motivated tech savvy individuals within Canada who are looking to jump start their own business supporting and installing technology for business and home users. Check out’s website for more information on our tech company and its services.

Exchange listings

On June 27th, Ardor and NXT have been added on OKEx. This is very interesting position for Bitswift as we are a child chain on Ardor platform. Currently, there are no formal informations regarding the listing of Bitswift on OKEx, but they are certainly aware of us. Getting listed on an exchange that has currently one of the highest volumes of all exchanges could really help bring more attention to Bitswift ecosystem and expand upon our growing community.

You can read the news about listing Ardor and NXT on OKEx here:

LZLZ Forging pool

A reminder that payouts for our forging pool happen on the 15th of every month. You should be leasing your Ardor balance to the Bitswift pool in an effort to harvest passive crypto-tokens. Our pools forging power and the amount of users participating has been steadily increasing since launch, although slowly but surely the Bitswift pool will become a top forger among Ardor pools. You can find more information about our pool on It will be interesting to track how the Forging Power on the increases as Bitswift gains popularity, we look forward to it!

Join us on other social platforms!

That’s it for the monthly update. Please join us on other social platforms to support the development and help the community grow.


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Closing Quote

“Ignore all distractions” — Hanzo (Overwatch)

Hanzo (Overwatch)

