Bitswift — Monthly Community Updates
6 min readJun 15, 2018


Community Updates — June 15th 2018

Hello fellow Bitswifters,

We have been very busy with ongoing developments. We realize that sharing the progress of our development and also establishing great connection with our community is the next step to making Bitswift a successful project. This is why we will be releasing monthly community updates along with our regular tech client newsletters to help spread the positivity and knowledge to those who may be interested in the Bitswift ecosystem.

So let’s get started!

Transaction Verification

We have successfully added a transaction verification to dashboard. This is a standard but very much needed feature that will help our clients easily track information on the Bitswift blockchain: This feature will be very useful to exchange operators who will need to easily look up Bitswift transactions to provide support for missing deposits / withdrawals claims.

On the picture below, it can be seen how it is fairly simple and straightforward. Only thing that has to be done is copy paste the full transaction hash in order to see if the transaction is verified.

Figure 1. Screenshot of Bitswift Transaction Verification site

On the example below, we can see how it looks like if we insert the full transaction hash and click verify. The user on the picture below sent 614.9544 Bitswift to another address.

Figure 2. Example of full details of transaction using full transaction has

Ongoing closed beta testing of

We are very excited to introduce a new CASH token that will be promoted as a digital currency on Bitswift blockchain. Its purpose will be to create a low friction gateway from Canadian Dollars (CAD) to Bitswift making the token ecosystem easily accessible. It also provides an example implementation of universal basic income on the blockchain as CASH tokens can be claimed by anyone using the platform. when released will function very similar to an exchange. The user will be able to purchase a voucher worth X amount of CAD and will receive a quote so that they will know how many Bitswift tokens X amount of CAD is going to give them. They will redeem the voucher and will be credited with the quoted amount of Bitswift minus the fee (current fee is 0.1). Now the user will have Bitswift so they can send it to any other Bitswift account, use it on the blockchain to perform a service, or simply export it along with their CASH tokens to the decentralized public ledger.

Figure 3. Example of options available to purchase voucher (from
Figure 4. Interface for redeeming vouchers
Figure 5. Interface of main dashboard, beta

Digital Copyright:

Bitswift is building a global digital copyright system to showcase how the Bitswift blockchain may be utilized for transparency purposes while proving immutable ownership of digital data. This project has entered the pre-planning stages and will likely be functional and released before the end of 2018 along with our mobile apps which are also in the planning stages and on the drawing board (quite literally).

New Representatives

In the last update we were talking about how we were building a network of tech savvy representatives across Canada to help us build out and support the Bitswift brand and related products. The idea is that eventually, every province in Canada and every major city will have a trusted representative, someone to call on for support, and someone to assist customer integrate and interface with our products.

With that said, we are pleased to inform you that Bitswift Tech is expanding its solutions into the Ottawa and surrounding areas with the addition of a new official representative, Phillip Brule. Phillip is looking to provide the Bitswift hub for the Ottawa region, so whether you are looking for some info regarding our ecosystem, or just need general tech consulting, setup, support, you can contact Phillip to be your local and trusted source for technology solutions if you reside in the Ottawa area. — Now serving Ottawa & Area

If you are interested in joining us please fill out the form here :

Please be mindful that Bitswift representatives are NOT hourly paid employees. Each is their own business working collectively under the Bitswift brand to provide professional technology solutions to local customers including business and home users. It takes someone with motivation, business mind set, and a strong desire to help people with their technology requirements to become a profitable Bitswift Technology Solutions representative. Bitswift companies are not interested in hiring employees, we are interested in building a team of independent leaders and freethinkers to take Bitswift to the next level.

Forging pool & Bundling

We have added our forging pool stats (Bitswift LZLZ pool) to the dashboard.

Interested users may lease the Ardor balance to our pool in exchange for passively earning ARDR crypto tokens. Pool fees earned are used back to further develop the Bitswift ecosystem, such as feeding bundlers on the bitswift network which has the capability to reduce the overall transaction costs for all users. Forging should not be confused with “Bundling” in which users can also earn passive crypto-tokens through enabling the bundling attribute on their accounts to harvest bitswift transaction fees from users on the bitswift blockchain. We urge all community members to both forge Ardor on our pool, and to bundle Bitswift transactions. The process does NOT require speciality hardware, vast amounts of electricity, or technical know how, so it is ideal for new users coming into the token ecosystem space.

Figure 6. Forging pool details

Exchange Listings:

We are very excited to hear that Bitswift will be listed on CurrenExchange. CurrenExchange has announced that it will launch with markets for ETH and BTC trading pairs for the Bitswift market. Our development team is working hard every day to bring Bitswift markets online with some other notable exchanges. Currently bitswift tokens are trading on Bittrex since 2014 and on the Ardor Coin Exchange since the launch of Ardor in January 2018.

Figure 7. Example of the Bitswift market on the decentralized Ardor Coin Exchange which can be accessed directly through (login)

We have been actively working towards listing on other exchanges so that we can make Bitswift as accessible as possible between people. It would also help if our community would constantly engage exchanges and remind them about listing Bitswift.

Ticker Change:

The ticker on the Bitswift token markets will change from SWIFT to BITS. We will work with all 3rd parties hosting our market or market stats to reflect this change. The decisions to change the ticker did not come easy as we have been SWIFT in these markets since the conception of our blockchain (2014). This change comes as part of an ongoing legal trademark dealing over our trademark application on “bitswift” as they relate to”digital tokens”. This same word “bitswift” is used on our company vehicles, business cards, customer newsletters, websites etc. In an effort to stop wasting time, money, and energy it makes sense to change our ticker to BITS to get on with business and to protect the Bitswift ecosystem.

More information regarding our ticker change can be found from Bittrex here:

Join us on other social platforms!

That’s it for the todays monthly update. Please join us on other social platforms to support the development and help the community grow.


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Closing Quote:

“Never give up. Trust your instincts.” — Peppy Hare (Star Fox 64)

Peppy Hare (Star Fox 64)

