Bitwalking steps validation and currency mining

Team Bitwalking
2 min readDec 1, 2016


Bitwalking, the new global currency
Music by Robert Del Naja / Produced by

The Bitwalking currency is generated by each of us, for all of us. Your steps convert into digital currency; and a step is worth the same value for everyone — no matter who you are, or where you are.

We are now building the value, the community, and the network to sustain the Bitwalking currency. Mining Mode.

How does Bitwalking mining work?

The Bitwalking mobile app sends the steps information to the Bitwalking network and will show the generated W$ only once the server has validated them. The steps validation process can take from a few seconds to several minutes. Once a step is verified it is assigned a W$ worth according to the current system wide step value. This sum is deposited to the user’s account.

Steps information is verified through a series of algorithms designed to maintain the consistency of the Bitwalking ecosystem. These algorithms range from basic step verification, through currency stability limitations, to advanced fraud prevention techniques.

You can initiate a ‘sync’ with the Bitwalking network by dragging down the ‘Today” screen in the Bitwalking app:

It’s been a privilege to work with our supporters in the past few weeks and we take this opportunity to again thank the Bitwalking community.

More currency features will be available soon. Continue mining W$ and spread the word. It’s first come, first serve.

In solidarity,

Team Bitwalking

Bitwalking, the new global currency
Music by Robert Del Naja / Produced by

