4 min readFeb 2, 2018


Bill & Go is a global platform that unites many supermarkets in one application. This project has two main branches of development: an application for representatives of the supermarket and an application for the end user.

Bill & Go allows you to automate the process of finding, ordering and shipping products from several supermarkets, allowing the user to minimize the time of purchase of products and completely get rid of long boring queues.



The platform is monetized according to the standard scheme. The project receives dividends at the expense of the commission for each order, expressed in percentages. Naturally, the size of the commission varies depending on the region. The selection of the commission is carried out through serious marketing research covering the social and economic situation of this tariff zone, as well as the average weight of importance for supermarkets that are accessible in this zone.

2.Business Development

This project is at the idea stage, there is also a first version of the platform architecture, which already has the place to become an excellent scalable solution.

3.Main tasks

The main tasks of the platform development are:

a.Conquering the major market share

· 2018–2019 — the task of achieving full coverage and dominance in the market of Ukraine, Russia. Q1 2019 — start of operations in the markets of the USA and Eastern Europe.

· 2019–2020 the task is to organize entry points to the markets of all significant regions: South-East Asia, South America, Eastern and Western Europe.

· By 2021 the task of achieving dominance in the markets of the United States and Western Europe.

b.Service development

· Continuous scaling of the platform, according to the new connected regions. Integration of new cities into the base of tariff grids.

· Maintaining the platform.

· Development of additional functionality

The strategic goal of BILL & GO is the conquest of services around the world for 4 years to 25% of the market.

ICO Token

1.Token Division Cheme

· Investor: 69%

· Bounties:2%

· Advisor: 1%

· Team: 28%

2.The essence of the BGO token

Tokens will be used as one of the payment methods for the service, along with the currency and the main cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, etherium).


A total of 70,000,000 tokens will be placed on the exchange in two rounds: pre-ICO and ICO. The total number of company tokens is 100,000,000. Tokens of the funders will be frozen for sale for a period of 5 months from the date of the ICO.

Bill & Go directs 25% of the profit for the redemption of tokens.

· Pre- ICO:

Period: 20.02.2018–04.03.2018

Token emitting: 5.000.000 BGO (5%) = 500 ETH

Price: 1 BGO = 0,0001 ETH or 1 ETH = 10000 BGO

· ICO:

Period: 09.03.2018–04.04.2018

Token emitting: 65.000.000 BGO (65%) = 6500 EH

Price: 1 BGO = 0,00013 ETH or 1 ETH = 7500


For now, before entering the global market, the Bill&Go platform will start in Ukraiana and Russia. This is done as a first step. Bill&Go do not want to be rash, want to take the right steps. Here are some plans and achievement targets:

· The year 2018–2019 duty to achieve coverage and full domination on the Ukrainian and Russian market.

· Beginning in 2019 began operations in the markets of the United States and Eastern Europe.

· Furthermore, 2019–2020 the task is to set entry points to all markets significantly, namely: Southeast Asia, South America, Eastern and Western Europe.

· Then, in 2021 the task of achieving dominance in the markets of the United States and Western Europe.

The main mechanism in this expansion is by holding a campaign/promotion and creating a partner system for connections at each new location. The bottom line Bill&Go’s strategic goal is the conquest of services worldwide for 4 years to 25% of the global market.

Investmant Plan

PRE-SALE — 1Q 2018 — USD 1M

• Promotion campaign: PR, SMM

•Development of media content for the promotion of the service (English, Russian, German)

ICO — 1Q 2018 — USD 7M

• Promotion: PR, SMM SEED

STAGE — 3Q 2018 — USD 3.5M

• Development of prototypes, alpha and beta versions. Tests on the market.

• Development of basic advertising materials for entering the market.

• Recruitment of operational staff for full launch in the Russian market and initial set of partners in the markets of the United States and Western Europe.

Scaling — 2019 — USD 14M

• Promotion in CIS markets for explosive growth of market share

• Beginning of promotion in the markets of Western Europe and the USA

• Service support in the regions of presence

• Preparation for entering new markets (India, Southeast Asia, South America, Eastern Europe)

•Scaling the system

Expanding — 2020 — USD 15M

• Promotion in the markets of presence

• Connecting new markets

• Maintenance of the service in the regions of presence

• Scaling the system

Expanding — 2021–2022 — USD >15M

• Promotion in the markets

• Connecting new markets

• Maintenance of the service in the regions of presence

• Scaling the system

• New features implementing

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