Biztech store
3 min readOct 3, 2016

Odoo SEO Suite Apps, OpenERP Meta Data Template Manager Plugins

Odoo SEO Suite

Odoo SEO Suite

Add Meta Details to your Products & Category pages and Optimize your Website Through SEO Suite

Fully customizable as per your specific business need! No technical expertise required!

Core Features

  • Improve Website’s Online Visibility
  • Add Meta Details to all your products pages and make it SEO optimized, which will help your website rank high in search engines.
  • Add the Meta Details on every Product Category Page, attracting your visitors.
  • It is coupled with great range of features and options that you can use as per your business need and convenience.
  • Manages your SEO details dynamically for every category and product pages.
  • Default Template Separator
  • Define default template and value separator from backend, which is not available in Odoo by default.
  • Multiple Value Separator
  • You can define multiple value separators as per your choice.
  • You can also replace and update the existing default separator with new ones!
  • Define Product and Category Meta Information
  • All the relevant Meta information for product and category pages like title, keywords and description with all additional texts will be displayed, which you would have defined while creating template.
  • Restrict Meta Tag Limit
  • Add maximum number of words for Meta Tags of Product Title, Keyword & Product Description.
  • Define SEO Product and Category Template
  • Define the SEO details of specific products including title, keywords and description of the products and category, and update it.
  • Add Category Image & Category Description to product categories
  • Admin can add category image to product categories with the help of SEO Suite.
  • Admin can also add category description with HTML editor, which allows admin to add features like Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike, Font Color, Hyper Link, Bullets & Numbering, Tables and pictures to the category description.
  • Add Site Map to your Store Page
  • With the help of Odoo SEO Suit, allow your user to navigate through the site with Site Map.
  • This Site Map will contain all the categories & sub categories as defined in the product list.

August 6, 2016

Version: 1.3

  • Use UTF-8 encoding for string converstion due to not create problem when no asci character like ® or È in string.
  • Reslove the issue of List view for Category in Website.

March 30, 2016

Version: 1.2

  • You can set maximum limit for Title/Keywords/Description words.
  • Added new HTML type description field in public category and you can view from category page on website.

November 7, 2015

Version: 1.1

August 04, 2015

Version: 1.0


Originally published at

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