Wall Street Finds Value in Compassion and Empathy

While Facebook and Wells Fargo PSAs reveal a growing trend among corporations to clean up their own messes, efforts do not go without the potential for financial gain

B.E. Howard
6 min readMay 8, 2018

Ahhh…. All is well. While that might depend on your perspective, be at peace knowing that the financial markets ARE trending in the direction of prosperity. If you derive prosperity by means of investing in companies poised for success, the economy is shifting to a place where companies compete for recognition of their contributions to the well-being of their employees and their customers while maintaining and consistently improving performances. Took long enough, right? The driving force is a metric known as environmental, social, governance (ESG); and from where we’re driving, the road to the golden age of economic oneness is paved with mindfulness.

It’s commonplace to hear business professionals explain an apparent lack of empathy in social and financial transactions with colloquialisms like, “keep emotions out of it,” and “it isn’t personal.” Mentalities of doing whatever it takes for the sake of profitable business are the precise thought processes that have us in the fix we’re in. This fix is relative, of course, but as a mindful economist I view limiting…



B.E. Howard

Mindful Economist. Corporate Guru. App Designer. Transmedia Authorpreneur. Eternal Student. Gamer. Father. I am all that I am.