White Supremacy Winning Is Not an Option

Black Lives Matter Global Network
3 min readMay 30, 2023


For over 20 years, my work has consisted of supporting nonprofits and philanthropic organizations supporting our Black communities (this is the 4th time I’ve served on a nonprofit Board!) — all while as a single mother raising my 3 amazing sons.

So yes, I am proud to be the Board Chair for BLM GNF — and I am proud of everything my life experiences have taught me as I serve in this role on behalf of our community.

It seems that everything we do at the Foundation comes down to this: Are we investing in ways that build Black Power for Black Liberation? Are we holding, building, and moving these resources in integrity; in ways that are accountable to future generations?

We recognize that we are in a moment, a moment full of promise and peril. This is not new for Black people. What is new is the unprecedented resources under Black control that can be used to build Black Power for Black Liberation. This is an opportunity and a blessing, wrought by the work of those who came before us, by the organizing and leadership of BLM’s founders and leaders, and the amazing work of the Black Liberation Ecosystem at large.

So, let’s get into it.

Overall, BLM GNF — when viewed across the first two years of its incorporation — continues to be under the industry standard of spending by disbursing less than 30% of our resources in overhead costs. In fact, our organizational expenses have decreased — including consulting costs — by over $20 million.

We’ve been taking time to be intentional in our efforts to build an efficient infrastructure to run the largest Black, abolitionist, philanthropic organization to ever exist in the United States.

Last year we invested over $4.5 million into the Black community with our grantmaking. Through our grant programs, we support thinkers, leaders, creators, and organizations that are working for lasting change that results in significant improvements in quality of life for Black people.

After a record-breaking year of fundraising and grantmaking in 2020–2021, the latest 990 demonstrates continued efforts to put the organization on a track toward continued financial health and long-term sustainability.

This fiscal year’s tax filing reveals that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s finances remain strong, confirms the organization is investing in building up its internal workings and structures, and its Board Members have been responsible, proactive decision-makers of the people’s donations.

We are building an institution to fight white supremacy and reach Black liberation. Every dollar we spend is in order to reach that goal. Every staff member, consultant, and strategist we have on our team is for the sole purpose of helping us create a world that operates on the principles and values of abolition.

The truth of the matter is our transparency center holds tax documents and impact reports on how our organization utilizes its resources. This has always been available to the public. What these documents show, in great detail, is that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLM GNF) has disbursed more money to the Black community than any other abolitionist foundation — nearly $34 million dollars in the last two years — making BLM GNF the most impactful abolitionist foundation to date.

We’re dealing with constant (and quite frankly, scary) attempts from folks who claim they love Black people; but have spent countless time and resources on trying to dismantle and attack us. The media reminds us of this very real (and once again, scary) reality. But in a way that overlooks the truth and impactful efforts and work of the Foundation.

Most importantly, we have to stick together — because otherwise, white supremacy will win. And as far as I’m concerned, white supremacy winning is just not an option.

We will rise. We are rising. We are building trust. And we are here to stay.

Cicley Gay, BLM GNF Board Chair



Black Lives Matter Global Network

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