When You Lack Passion As A Leader, Your Team Is Lost

Tom Blair
10 min readMay 29, 2018

Hello Again

I have been away from Medium for a few weeks. It’s felt right to take a quick hiatus. I was starting to become overwhelmed in other areas of my work, and in order to get myself back on track, I had to reprioritize and reorganize my schedule. Mostly I needed some time to step away, collect my thoughts, breathe, and regain focus for my brand, my vision, and my overall life goals.

I have been living on the edge of some major changes that have been needed within my musical career. For whatever reason, up until now, I have been compromising my values and allowing actions to take place out of convenience. More on that below…

So at the turn of the new year, I began to realize that this needed to be the year that I followed my instincts, make the tough choices, quit the things that ultimately make me unhappy, and run with actions that I know are better investments for my future.

As I write these words I’m reminded of an experience of mine from 2 years ago where I had to make some tough choices to change my direction in life away from a daily job into a life of entrepreneurship. Let me explain.

Lets Get Corporate For A Second



Tom Blair

A musician with a desire to entertain, enlighten, inspire, and write about it all. #stayhungry #letsconnect