What Makes a Routine Good? — Part One

Prachi Singh
2 min readJan 6, 2023


After going through several routines, some of which failed, and some I was able to follow through… for a while. I have finally found one which works!

Hi, I’m Prachi A.KA. Blazing Curls. And I’ve spent the past year in a phase of Trial & Error to see what really works and what doesn’t. I talk about increasing productivity through simple mindful changes in your daily habits. These subtle changes can bring a huge reform in your life.

If you’ve seen my profile, it is very obvious that I haven’t posted regularly on any of my social profiles. I had a lot of challenges to overcome, both mental & physical due to which I was unable to stick to one routine. At the end of the day, I was too tired to do anything for myself!

Many of us cannot stick to a set routine because of our unpredictable tasks throughout the day or maybe not having enough time or energy left to finish our duties & pursue our goals as well.

Here are 3 mistakes you might be making while setting your routine.

1. Not realizing your true potential — The no.1 mistake I made was not realizing how much I was capable of. I had no idea I was able to perform so many tasks, all of them before lunch! So, try to test your limits always — just like you go for a test drive for a car before buying it you should test your own limits before making an opinion for your own self!

2. Not prioritizing your task list — Understanding which tasks need to be tackled first comes only with experience. So give yourself at least 5 tasks a day with 3 priority tasks and try to finish them before the day ends!

3. Being a people pleaser — This is a childhood baggage that most of us carry in our lives. Through learned behaviour of the past, we continue holding onto that baggage & destroying our own power, peace & authority. Stop chasing people and start chasing your dreams!

Now try to analyze & become aware of the mistakes you might be making while implementing your routine. Work on changing that particular way of thinking or acting. It might just be the solution to your productivity issues.

We’ll talk more about setting the routine in part 2!



Prachi Singh

Writer | Yoga Practitioner | Scholar | Teacher | Powered by social awkwardness and hair.