Breaking Down The Bridge: How React Native’s JS-to-Native Communication Works

Harry Bloch
3 min readAug 23, 2023


Hello, tech aficionados! Ever wondered what makes React Native so darn cool? Today, we’re about to take a plunge into the heart of this awesome framework and unravel the mystery of the “bridge” that has everyone talking. Grab your coffee, tea, or whatever floats your boat, and let’s embark on this enlightening journey.

Oh, and before we jump in, don’t forget to check out some of my awesome app Idea Web. Its great for brainstorming app ideas!

1. What’s the Bridge Anyway?

At its core, React Native allows you to build mobile apps using only JavaScript. However, the real magic begins when these JavaScript components get rendered as real native components. That’s where the “bridge” comes into play — it’s the communication channel between your JavaScript realm and the native platform.

2. Why Do We Need This Bridge?

Imagine having two people who speak entirely different languages. They need a translator to understand each other. Similarly, the bridge acts as a translator, converting JS calls into something the native platform understands and vice versa.

3. A Glimpse into The Bridge’s Architecture

The bridge is event-driven. This means that it communicates using a system of events and listeners. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  • Batched Bridge: React Native doesn’t send each operation over the bridge one-by-one. Instead, it batches them to optimize performance.
  • Serializability: Data sent across the bridge is serialized. This means complex JS objects are converted into a string, sent across the bridge, and then parsed on the other side.
  • Asynchronous Nature: Calls made over the bridge are asynchronous. This ensures that the JS thread never gets blocked.

4. How Does the Communication Happen?

From JS to Native:

  • Your React component triggers a specific event, like a button press.
  • The JS thread communicates this event to the bridge.
  • The bridge translates the JS call and instructs the native platform to perform the corresponding action, like opening a new screen.

From Native to JS:

  • Let’s say the user receives a phone call while using your app.
  • The native platform communicates this to the bridge.
  • The bridge then notifies the JS thread which can respond accordingly, perhaps by pausing a video the user was watching.

5. Why Not Direct Calls?

You might wonder, why have a bridge? Why not direct calls between JS and native? The asynchronous nature of the bridge offers better performance. Direct synchronous calls can block the JS thread, leading to a janky user experience. The bridge ensures smooth communication without bottlenecks.

6. The Future of the Bridge

Facebook, the powerhouse behind React Native, is working on a new architecture to make the bridge even more efficient. Codenamed “Fabric,” this new architecture aims to make the bridge synchronous when required and will allow for better direct interaction with native modules.

7. Wrapping Up

The bridge in React Native is a marvel of engineering. It seamlessly integrates two very different worlds and ensures that developers can craft high-performance apps with a single codebase. As React Native continues to evolve, so will the bridge, ensuring the framework remains at the forefront of mobile development.

So, the next time you marvel at a smooth React Native app, remember the humble bridge working tirelessly behind the scenes, making it all possible. Until next time, keep bridging the gap between your ideas and innovations!

