Optimizing React Components: A Journey Through the Realm of Pure Components and the shouldComponentUpdate Method

Harry Bloch
3 min readMay 16, 2023


Hello, fellow React enthusiasts and keyboard warriors! Are your React components acting more like slow-moving tortoises than agile hares? Fear not, for today we’re embarking on a whimsical journey through the realm of Pure Components and the shouldComponentUpdate method. Ready to speed up your React app while we banter and jest about code, life, and everything in between? Then, let’s set sail!

But before we dive in, make sure you’re following me on Twitter and Medium for a regular dose of geeky goodness and dad-joke level puns. Now, let the React optimization adventure begin!

What’s the Big Deal with Pure Components?

Pure Components, not to be confused with the ‘Pure’ label on your favorite bottle of spring water, are a delightful feature of React that can help us optimize our components and give that sluggish tortoise a much-needed caffeine kick.

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

class SpeedyHare extends PureComponent {
render() {
const { racePosition } = this.props;
return (
<h2>The hare is at position: {racePosition}</h2>

In this whimsical race, SpeedyHare is a PureComponent, meaning it only re-renders when there's a change in its props or state. So if our hare hasn't moved an inch (maybe he stopped for a snack?), React knows not to waste resources re-rendering it. How neat is that?

Taking Control with shouldComponentUpdate

“But what if I’m not using Pure Components?” I hear you ask. “Do I have to watch my components sluggishly re-render with every state change?” Fear not, dear reader, for shouldComponentUpdate is here to the rescue!

import React from 'react';

class DeterminedTortoise extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (this.props.racePosition !== nextProps.racePosition) {
return true;
return false;

render() {
const { racePosition } = this.props;
return (
<h2>The tortoise is at position: {racePosition}</h2>

Here we have our DeterminedTortoise who, despite his slow pace, is no less eager to win the race. With shouldComponentUpdate, we're telling React to only re-render our tortoise when his position in the race (i.e., the racePosition prop) changes. No more unnecessary re-renders for this tortoise!

From Regular to Pure Components: A Refactoring Tale

Let’s refactor our DeterminedTortoise into a PureTortoise, just to see how simple the process is.

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

class PureTortoise extends PureComponent {
render() {
const { racePosition } = this.props;
return (
<h2>The tortoise is at position: {racePosition}</h2>

And voila! Our DeterminedTortoise is now a PureTortoise, all ready to enjoy the benefits of Pure Components!


Well, fellow coders, we’ve journeyed through the realm of React optimization, laughed at some puns, and transformed slow-moving components into speedy hares

and pure tortoises. I hope this expedition has shown you how Pure Components and the shouldComponentUpdate method can turn your React app from a sluggish tortoise into a speedy hare.

Remember, like any good thing, these methods are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Sometimes, the hare and the tortoise will need to coexist in your app. The key is understanding when to use which optimization technique. So, keep experimenting, keep learning, and never stop optimizing.

Before we part ways, I’d love to hear about your adventures with React optimization! Have a hilarious bug story or a neat optimization trick to share? Drop a comment below or tweet me on Twitter. And don’t forget to follow me on Medium to join me on future coding adventures. Until next time, happy coding!

