The BlockBeam Experience: Aislinn McCarthy

4 min readJul 7, 2022


Hi! I am Sean Caulfield, the content lead at BlockBeam. As our ecosystem grows, I have been having conversations with talent taking Web3 by storm. This week, I chatted with Aislinn McCarthy. She is currently a rising senior at the University of Virginia, majoring in Finance and Information Technology. Here is her story:

Sean: What drives your interest in Web3?
Aislinn: Finance and digital assets have driven my interest in Web3. This summer, I am taking the Gateway to DeFi course and I’ll be researching at Canaccord Genuity (Investment Bank) for their Strategic Product Group. I plan to leverage what I learned in BlockBeam’s Algorand and DeFi programs . I’m interested in blockchain and how it will change financial institution processes.

Sean: How did you get involved with BlockBeam?
Aislinn: I just saw a connection on LinkedIn who liked it. It was free, I applied, and I am thrilled it all worked out.

Sean: What bootcamp did you take and what was your experience?
Aislinn: I took Gateway to Algorand 2. I didn’t know anyone in it, but stuck with it through Discord with my team. I found it very manageable, and we ended up putting together Virdis, a pure energy trading platform. We won first place in the final pitch! It was a great experience, and I never thought to become involved in the Algorand network until now.

Sean: Can you talk about what you learned while completing the final project?
Aislinn: I saw how big the space is, and gained an understanding of how big the space will become. Hearing how it can be sustainable, related to finance, energy-related, real-estate related, etc. — there are so many applications. It got me thinking and more curious about the space, given there are so many resources to consult.

Sean: What were the other participants in the program like, any cool stories, connections, etc.?
Aislinn: I found myself part of this awesome network with BlockBeam and its connections, as well as the awesome people from the cohort who are very active in Discord.

Sean: Who was your favorite speaker and why?
Aislinn: My favorite part was the final pitch to all women VC and Angel investors — just hearing their story, how they got there, interests in Web3, and their feedback, it was great to see in the space.

Sean: What about the program do you think is most beneficial for your career? Any success stories?
Aislinn: I am much more comfortable in my job and speaking about certain things — my developer vocabulary has impressed people in the industry that I’m working in, as I’ve come to learn the ins and outs of smart contracts and how blockchain works. This was something previously overwhelming to me. BlockBeam helped give me the basic AND advanced information of the inner workings of blockchain.

Sean: Do you plan to stay involved with BlockBeam long-term?
Aislinn: I’ll definitely keep networking with people in the BlockBeam space and keep in touch with the coordinators. I will continue in the near future by taking the DeFi program.

Sean: What would you say to talent/what advice would you give to people considering applying to BlockBeam bootcamps?
Aislinn: It was an eye-opening experience that many others should have. What you put in is what you get out of it. Breaking down all the information, finding a niche part of the ecosystem you are excited about, researching it, and trying to be an expert in that area will all be extremely beneficial. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t understanding everything either, take your time.

Aislinn’s LinkedIn:

About BlockBeam

BlockBeam is a Web3 Upskilling & Talent Network. Our community’s shared mission is to accelerate the adoption of high-impact technologies and launch standout talent into Web3.

BlockBeam’s platform, Launch, provides employers an efficient solution for sourcing talent from leading Web3 bootcamps. Launch is only accessible to BlockBeam partner bootcamp graduates and effectively visualizes talent’s completed Web3 work product. The platform will debut in Q3 2022.

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