Community Update — Nov 18th

Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2017

This week was all about deploying our brand new website. Behind the scenes, we migrated our entire site to new servers in preparation for the Beta. We’re happy to report everything went smoothly and you can visit our new website right now, at

We’ve already been receiving fantastic feedback on our discord channel and on twitter. We’re reading all your comments and will integrate the best suggestions into future iterations of the site.

As part of the new site, we’re excited to formally reveal the lineup of contracts we’re targeting for our Beta phase. All of these contracts will be tested during our contract simulations and your feedback will shape many of the features and designs.

Additionally, we’ll be spinning up some community suggested contracts. The ability to pool funds together to benefit from greater discounts in token sales is currently our most requested community contract, so keep an eye out for that. We’re still taking suggestions, so keep them coming!

Meet the Team
Our team roster has grown substantially in the last few months. You can find details of our new team on the website. We still have one position open, so if you’re a local Frontend Engineer, get in touch. Once we finalize our operating team for the near future, we’ll be fleshing out this section with further details.

You’ll get to know everyone better over the coming months, especially our community manager Justin, who’s joining us at the end of November.

Meanwhile, we’d love to hear which contract you’d like to test first. Have another look through the lineup and let us know on Discord, or directly to our email at See you next week!




BlockCAT lets anyone create, manage, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain — no programming required.