Community Update — Oct 13th

Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2017

Some people say Friday 13th is an unlucky day. It so happens that today is our CEO’s birthday. So if you see Eric around in Discord, wish him the best and perhaps tell him to stop working and take the night off!


We’ll jump right into the news we know everyone is waiting to hear about. The Binance vote ended and they wrote an announcement that they would be listing the winner, Substratum, for free.

While it’s unfortunate they didn’t include the top 5 tokens as they did previously, our efforts were not in vain. We got their attention!

Since we placed 4th in the vote, Binance reached out to us to discuss listing. We didn’t get the free listing offered through the vote but we still got our application pushed right to the top of their priorities.

So the current status of Binance is “pending” while we go through the legal compliance required to get everything moving. We don’t want to over excite everyone yet, there’s still hurdles that could make things fall through, but I’d label it as “looking good” for now.

We just want to extend another other huge thank you to our community for making this happen.

Meanwhile, we’re making progress with our application to Radar Relay. Our lawyers been talking to get everything going smoothly. We’ll label this one as “looking good” too.

You hear first on Twitter and Discord when these details get finalized.

New hires

We’ve had lots of interviews this week and more lined up for next week too.

Amongst all that we hired a new developer, Ryan, who will be joining our backend engineering team. We’re growing fast and we’ll soon have completed all our team hires. We’re excited to introduce the new crew.

We’ve had lots of questions about the progress of development. We mentioned in the roadmap we’re pushing straight to Beta. We expect to begin our rapid release cycle before the end of Q4.

As we’re in a rapid hiring spree, making sure our new developers are correctly onboarded is the most critical focus right now. We don’t want to rush into Beta before our devs are up to speed with our existing progress. The summary here is, we’re still on track as outlined in our roadmap.

See you all next week!




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