BCDN Mining Tutorial (Detailed Version)

7 min readMay 23, 2018


This tutorial introduces how to join BCDN mining activity in details:

1. APP registration, binding wallet address and code reservation.

2. Coin financial, BCDN recharge and internal transfer function.

3. ETH wallet creation.

4. Gate account and recharge address application.

5. Mining equipment.

6. Raspberry Pi mining procedure.

7. Revenue checking.

  1. APP registration, binding wallet address and code reservation.

M-Berry download address: www.blockcdn.org (tip: iOS version requires trust. You could set it as the following steps: settings, general, device management.)

(1) Registration

Enter a valid mobile number on the registration page to register, remember to check the User Agreement.

(1) Bind wallet address

The wallet address mentioned here contains the ETH wallet address and the gate recharge address.

①Click Code Reservation on the APP home page to enter the General miner and click Binding Immediately. Or click Mine/Me, ETH address to change the binding wallet address.

②There are two choices here, ETH Wallet Address and Gate Recharge Address. You can select one of them to bind. You do not need to bind two addresses at the same time.

(1) Code reservation

①General Miner

After successfully binding the ETH address or the Gate address, as long as the BCDN balance in the address is greater than 1000, you can click “One-click Booking” to make an appointment, and after the reservation is successful, the current reservation account number will be issued.

②Super Miner

Deposit at least 20,000 BCDN tokens in coin financial(the transfer method will be described below). Open Super Miner. If you see 1 or more reservations, click One-click Booking to make an appointment.

③If you win the lottery, you will get a mining code , as for general miner, this mining code will bind to your account automatically; as for super miner, you will get a mining code which will be sent to your mobile phone via SMS. If you failed in code lottery, a new appointment can be made. In addition, the super miner can continue to reserve the code even you have S mining code.

(4) Withdrawal

Click Wallet, Withdrawal, enter the number of BCDN token you want to withdraw, and click Next to perform SMS or Google verification. Withdrawal applications are processed on Monday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 16:00 pm.

2.Coin financial, BCDN recharge and internal transfer function.

(1) Coin financial

Coin financial includes current and regular coin financial, and participation in the lottery drawing of super miner requires the deposit of at least 20,000 BCDN tokens in coin financial, regardless of whether they are in current or regular coin financial. The BCDN transferred to coin financial can be obtained through recharge, internal transfer, and mining revenue. (Recharges and internal transfers are detailed below.)

Current coin financial supports balance automatic transfer.

There are three choices for regular coin financial, which are three months period, six months period, and one year period. Users can freely choose according to their preferences.

(2) Recharge

Enter Wallet, Recharge, click get address, you can get a personal wallet address as shown in the figure below, you can transfer BCDN to APP through this wallet address.

(3) Internal transfer

This internal transfer function only supports APP accounts transfer, and no fee. Enter Wallet, Internal transfer, enter the number of APP accounts and BCDN tokens that you want to transfer, and click Transfer.

3.ETH wallet creation (take IMtoken as example)

①Download IMtoken APP at token.im. After the download is completed, you need to do a risk assessment.

② Create a wallet, enter the required information; back up your wallet after it is created.

③Click the plus sign after the wallet is created, select BCDN.

4.Gate account application and recharge address generation.

①Register your account at https://gate.io and follow the prompts to enter information.

②After the input is completed, the page will not be accessible. You need to enter the email address to activate the account.

③After the activation is successful, then log in to bind the phone number, and follow the prompts to generate double protection.

④After logging in, find BCDN in the trading area, click “trade”, find BCDN in “My asset”, click “Recharge”, and then obtain a BCDN recharge address.

5.Mining equipment.

For BCDN mining, we recommend Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi is relatively stable and simple to use. Raspberry Pi and other equipment can be purchased in the online stores. In addition to Raspberry pi, SD card, hard disk, card reader are all necessary, and other equipment can choose according to personal needs.

6.Raspberry Pi mining procedure.

①Download Raspberry Pi mining procedure at www.blockcdn.org and insert the SD card into the card reader then insert the card reader into the computer.

②Unzip the download file and click Win32 Disk Imager.

③Select the image file, and select the hard disk where SD card is, click Write. Click Yes, and the bottom number means it writing into file( the writing time is a little long, please be patient).

④Write Successful, click OK. Open SD card, and the conf file, then click code txt and copy the invite code to txt file, and save it.

⑤Insert the installed SD card into Raspberry Pi, then connect network line and mobile hard disk drive, at last connect the power. If Raspberry Pi’s green light flickers regularly, it shows the mining procedure starts normally.

7.Revenue checking.

Open APP and check the online status of the miner in the top right corner of the home page: Mining Machine Online. Check the previous day’s earnings data at Wallet, Mining Income at 7:00 daily.

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