BCDN mining use tutorial from green hand to miners

6 min readJan 31, 2018


Hello, M-Berry fans, do you complain too much official tutorial? You don’t know which one to choose. Don’t worry , I prepare a use tutorial for you! It is not only suitable green hand but also miners.


1. Register , bind wallet and make an appointment

2. Generation of ETH wallet and BCDN transfer

3. Application of Gate account and generation of paid address

4. Mining equipment

5. Raspberry Pi 3 mining

6. Check the income

1. Register , bind and make an appointment

Download M-Berry from www.blockcdn.org , click download APP, to choose the version (Android & IOS) according to the users’ requirement.( notice: for IOS version, you should add the trust from setting-general-device management.

(1) Register

Enter the valid phone number to register, and check user agreements

(2) Bind wallet and make an appointment

Before binding wallet, you must guarantee at least 1000 BCDN on the paid address of gate or the ETH address. Only verification, there is no charge.

a. Click make an appointment, then bind now

b. There are two choice, ETH address & gate wallet address, anyone is OK without binding two. If successful verification, it shows binding successfully. Then you will get W reservation code, only wait for the drawing.

c. If draw successfully, the mining code is bound self-operated; if failed, you can make an appointment again.

(3) Asset import and withdrawal

After binding wallet, M-Berry fans can import official assets and testing income into bound wallet.

a. Click asset import, and choose the method of importing, enter the detail information, then click a key to import.

b. Withdraw

Click wallet — withdraw, enter the number more than handing charge, click submit( unified deal from 9:00 to 16:00 on Monday)

2. Generation of ETH wallet and BCDN transfer

a. Download Imtoken from token.im ( need Hong Kong ID or foreign ID to download), after downloading, there is a risk evaluation. Create wallet, and enter information; then complete backup wallet

b. After generating wallet, click +, choose BCDN

c. If transfer, click BCDN — transfer, enter the wallet and tokens information, click next( transfer needs certain handing charge, M-Berry fans must guarantee enough ETH)

3. Application of Gate account and generation of paid address

a. register in htttps://gate.io, then enter information

b. after registration, the page isn’t visited. Need enter E-mail address to activate account

c. then bind phone number to generate double protection

d. after logging in, find BCDN in the transaction and click transact, find BCDN in my tokens and click top up, then generate a paid address of BCDN

4.Mining equipment

For BCDN mining , we suggest to use Raspberry Pi 3. Compared with Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi 3 is more stable and easy operation. Raspberry Pi 3 and other equipment can be bought( English and Chinese are OK), expect Raspberry Pi 3, SD card, hard disk, card reader are necessary, other equipment are bought according to personal requirements.

5. Raspberry Pi 3 mining

a. Download the mining use tutorial of Raspberry Pi 3 from the official website www.blockcdn.org. Insert SD card into card reader, then insert computer.

b. Open the package, then decompress to the now file, open the image file — Win32 Disk Imager

c. After showing pop-up windows, choose the downloaded mining procedure just now, and choose hard disk of SD card, click Write — Yes, the number on the left bottom showing the progress of writing image

d. After showing pop-up windows, click OK. Open SD card, click conf — code.txt, then copy the mining code to the txt(no space key and enter), save and log out

e. Insert the SD card with the mining procedure into Raspberry Pi 3, connect net cable and hard disk, and plug in power, if the green light flickers regularly, it shows start mining.

6. Check income

Open APP, check the online status of mining procedure on the top right corner, Every day at 7:00 a.m, you can open wallet then click mining income to check income yesterday.

It is over about the mining tutorial. I prepare a video for M-Berry fans:


If you need Ubuntu use tutorial , you can open


or you need a video about Ubuntu which is made by a M-Berry fan


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