BlockCDN: Fast Forward the Future for CDN

3 min readAug 25, 2016


BlockCDN is a Chinese company creating a blockchain-based content distribution network (CDN) with inbuilt trading platform. Headquartered in Hong Kong, the core team of entrepreneurs consist of 5 members who are fans and technical experts of the CDN industry. Because of their boundless love for blockchain, they are joining blockchain with the sharing economy model to provide the perfect solution to distrupt the traditional CDN industry.

BlockCDN is a DIistributed Network that Connects the Sharing Economy

Our Mission
The BlockCDN Mission is to be the future of Content Distribution Networks. The CDN market is huge, some $13.4b in 2014 and set to top $19bn by 2019, but the technologies typically used by traditional CDN services are cumbersome. Now we have the technology to disrupt the status quo and reinvent the wheel for faster, safer acceleration services.

BlockCDN will bring blockchain and distributed computing to bear on the CDN market by networking resources and enabling anyone to become either a ‘Sharer’ or ‘Demander’ of computing power. BlockCDN applies a P2P multi-point service technology to create an easy to use system where Sharers can earn rewards for lending their idle time to the network and Demanders can use those resources for ’acceleration tasks’.

The BlockCDN trade platform enables this new sharing economy by deploying Solidity to operate smart contracts on Ethereum. With blockchain technology BlockCDN can enable anyone, anywhere in the world to share their idle internet connection - via personal computer, router, TV box, tablet, or mobile phone - with the BlockCDN network.

By drawing on distributed computing resources BlockCDN will be able to provide ubiquitous, networked nodes resulting in fast Internet access for customers with great coverage. The service will be efficient leading to lower fees for bandwidth rental, lower energy consumption and less hardware maintenance. Sharing idle internet equipment avoids wasted resources and provides the sharer with monetary rewards in return for their network contributions.

As the BlockCDN network grows and more and more shared caching nodes join in, customers will be able to enjoy a brand new acceleration experience with safer, faster internet access at a cheaper price.

Under the hood: BlockCDN

BlockCDN compiles the smart contracts that enable the CDN Demanders and node Sharers to transact with each other on a fair, open and free platform.

The characteristic of BlockCDN is below:

1、Immutable Timestamp Data Store
2、Secured from Data Tampering
3、Decentralized Trust
4、Cryptography intensive
5、Symmetric & Asymmetric Cryptography
6、Key splitting and Off-chain Data Distribution
7、Transactions recorded in Blockchain

Analysis for BlockCDN`s future:

The scale of global CDN construction and market grows constantly presenting us with a huge opportunity. According to data in the Micromarketmonitor report (PRWeb) we are looking at a Global CDN market size of $12.1637 billion in 2019 with an annual compound growth rate of 26.9%. Because it’s design is so competitive, we expect that BlockCDN will become the dominant way to manage CDN services in the mid-term.

Help us to fast forward the future of CDN and join in BlockCDN by becoming a fast node (beta testing right now) or taking part in our ICO crowdfund that goes live on 28th November 2016.

Find our more about BlockCDN:
1. Office website:
2. BlockCDN’s White paper:
3. Videos:

