3 min readNov 14, 2016

How to claim your ETH investment back after ICO fails

The following 3 steps are needed to retrieve your ETH tokens from all wallet types. Then follow further instructions detailed below for your specific wallet type (Mist, Parity).

· Log into ETH explorer: and click ‘Token’ (Fig.1)

· Choose ‘ERC20 Token Explorer’ and then select ‘BCDN’

· On the Contract page click ‘Contract ABI’ and under the ‘Contract Source’ tab to copy the code (Fig.2)

Fig.1 & Fig.2 Etherscan Token Explorer Interface — For Refunds

How to Issue a Refund with Mist Wallet

· Open your Mist wallet and click ‘Contract’ > ‘WATCH Contract’

· Set the Contract Name to BCDN and the Contract Address to: 0x1e797Ce986C3CFF4472F7D38d5C4aba55DfEFE40
Now paste in the JSON code you just copied under ‘JSON Interface’. (Fig.3)

· Click ‘OK’ and the contract sign will appear. (Fig.4)

· Click the ‘BCDN’ contract sign and the details of the BCDN contract will show up.

· Click ‘Pick A Function’ and choose ‘Re fund’ to select the ICO wallet address. (Fig.5)

· Click ‘EXECUTE’ to complete the payment and retrieve your ETH. (Fig.6)

Fig 3 & Fig 4 Mist Wallet Contract Interface
Fig 5 & Fig 6 Mist Wallet Contract Interface Contd.

How to Issue a Refund with Parity Wallet

· Open your Parity wallet, click ‘CONTRACTS’ then select ‘WATCH CONTRACT’ (Fig.3)

· Enter the BlockCDN ICO address: 0x1e797Ce986C3CFF4472F7D38d5C4aba55DfEFE40
Set the Contract Name to ‘BCDN’ and enter the coped ABI code and click ‘ADD CONTRACT’ (Fig.4)

· Click on the BCDN contract you just added (Fig.5)

· Click ‘EXECUTE’ (Fig.6)

· Click ‘ref-und’ > ‘POST TRANSACTION’ to complete the refund. Your ETH will be released.

Fig.3 & Fig. 4 Parity Wallet Contract Interface
Fig. 5 & Fig. 6 Parity Wallet Contract Interface Cond.
Fig. 7 Partity Wallet Refund Interface

For more information about BlockCDN ICO please visit us at: