Meet the Team!

3 min readNov 25, 2016


If you are the sort of person who invests in people rather than ideas then this article is for you. The team at BlockCDN is made up of business professionals, coders and those experienced in the CDN industry. The absence of LinkedIn in China makes it difficult to qualify the team so let’s take a closer look at who’s who.

Tony Long — Founder and CEO

Tony has 15 years experience in venture investment and already two successful companies to his name, one in computer hardware. After he discovered Bitcoin and Blockchain technology in October 2013 he understood it’s potential to disrupt just about everything. However, it wasn’t until Ethereum that he saw the way to creating a distributed CDN in answer to the scaling problem the industry faces today. BlockCDN was born out of many meetings, partnerships and leg work to get the product to it’s current maturity and with Tony’s excellent business accumen he has built a solid team to propell the project to success.

Lance Su — Co-founder

Lance Su is a big fan of blockchain technology and an experienced investor. He became very interested in kernel blockchain technology after coming into contact with Bitcoin in 2012 and was successfully involved in ICO for Ethereum. Lance is also a senior investor of Distributed CDN, experienced the traffic ore, XunLei crystal development process. He knows the development history of the CDN industry very and believes firmly that distributed technology is the future direction of the CDN industry.

‘Let’s move forward with times and embrace the opportunity blockchain and the sharing economy presents to the CDN industry’ Lance Su

Technical Team

Rimon Jiang
Blockchain developer

Rimon has very rich experience in promoting internet financial products, and is skilled at data analysis of internet credit investigation. He has deeper understanding of the revolution that is taking place in credit investigation systems, brought about by blockchain and smart contracts. Rimon leads the blockchain technology team at BlockCDN.

Paul Zhan
CDN developer

Paul has experience working within top global 500 companies and has managed a startup team of 300 people in the past. He is proficient in CDN technology and is keen to promote it’s advancement. He has been involved in integrating the latest technology such as P2P and and intelligent dispatching in to CDN services. Now Paul is keen to bring blockchain technology to the CDN industry, seeing it as a natural progression.

Liao Wei and Weisong Shi
Blockchain Developers

Liao and Weisong have been involved in Bitcoin and blockchain since the very early days, 2010 in fact! I am pretty sure neither are Satoshi but they have dabbled in enough code by now to be channeling the spirit of Satoshi.

Strategic Partnerships

Morning Book — Blockchain

Morning book are a blockchain consultancy. You can find BlockCDN on their website alongside giants China Unionpay, Alibaba and QQ. Morning Brook is founded by Xu Star, CEO of OKCoin and Li Xiao, China’s most famous Angel investor and the richest man in Bitcoin — in China at least.

Weiyi — CDN Expertise

The team have full backing from a traditional CDN team, with 8 years experience in the industry and multiple high-profile clients such as Youku who — through no coincidence — are first in line to test the product. Http://

Additional Partnerships

Moling Technology: blockchain support
DNS.COM: DNS Security
Internet Co: DNC and CDN scheduling

Did we mention we have a recent visit from Vitalik? See our photo diary here:

