The Distribution Rules of BCDN Tokens

4 min readJan 8, 2018


BlockCDN project is a block-based platform which support CDN-shared service. BlockCDN project is absorbed in developing a technology that can realize automatch tasks within Ethereum-based Codius Smart Oracle system, which insure BCDN tokens recycling in market. At the beginning period, since there are not enough CDN nodes in the system,the project adopt a reward systems which the total value of BCDN tokens could be mined are constant every day and halve each period. The reward system will distribute BCDN tokens to miners according to the upstream bandwidth, sharable storage size and effective online hours they offered.

The mining algorithm at Phrase I (reward period):

Here is computational formula:

M=(upstream bandwidth value * the weighting coefficient value of bandwidth + storage value * the weighting coefficient value of storage) * effective online hours/24 hours

M refers to the contribution value of miner.

The benefit of miner K1,we set it as C1, will be:


M1 refers to the the contribution value of miner K1.

G refers to the total value of intraday BCDN tokens.

Hardware Capabilities: Hardware capabilities are related to CPU efficiency and storage size. Using the standard raspberry pie as the first generation of mining machine, the hardware capability value is fixed as 1, the hardware weighting coefficient is 1 bandwidth( the upstream bandwidth measured by the valid node). In order to encourage distributed and multi-node participation, here sets a step attenuation for the weighting coefficient value of bandwidth , as follows:

Bandwidth: the upstream bandwidth of effective node.

The list of the weighting coefficient value of bandwidth:

Storage size: the storage size which can used to mine BCDN tokens of effective node.

The list of the weighting coefficient value of storage:


1. Bandwidth: 2M; storage size: 100G; online hours: 12 hours.


2. Bandwidth: 9M; storage size: 600G; online hours: 12 hours.


The reward distribution rules:

The total value of BCDN tokens is 10 trillion, in which 4 trillion will be used as reward.

Initial distribution amount of BCDN tokens is p: the amount of reward tokens at the first unit interval; set s=640 thousand/ day.

Halve period is t: the period which halve the amount of reward tokens; set t=182 days.

Reduction ratio is d: set d=50%.

The total amount of BCDN tokens in reward period is

S=t*p+t*p*d+t*p*d²+……+p*d* d^∞

The mining algorithm at Phrase II:

Phrase II comes under the condition that BlockCDN system runs well and a mass of CDN demanders enter the system. The benefit of miner at Phrase II will be consist of two parts: one is the rewarding benefit just like rewarding benefit at Phrase I, and the other is reward of fulfil automatch tasks.

Here we suppose that, in one day, CDN Demander 1 releases tasks with rewarding F1 BCDN tokens, CDN Demander 2 releases tasks with rewarding F2 BCDN tokens and etc. Then CDN Dmander N releases tasks with rewarding FN BCDN tokens. We suppose that the nodes of one single miner K1 could fulfil P1 percent of CDN Demander 1’s tasks, fulfil P2 percent of CDN Demander 2’s tasks and etc. Then the miner K1 could fulfil PN percent of CDN Demander N’s tasks.

The reward of fulfil automatch tasks of the miner K1, we set it as Z1, could be:


So the total benefit of the miner K1 in one day is E1:


BlockCDN system could be regarded as a sustainable and sharable CDN system. All the BCDN tokens will recycling in the market. And the automatch technology provides strong support for sustainable development of BlockCDN system.

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