Introducing Greenhouse: an Integrated Blockchain DevOps Toolbox for Quorum

Come play with Greenhouse and share with us your thoughts

4 min readFeb 25, 2020

Blockchain holds promises to be the next generation of information technology. Yet we see developers, enterprises, and financial institutions wasting valuable time and money, building from the ground up. Particularly, there are different tools one has to learn and maintain in order to come up to one quick application, i.e. tools for setting up and operating different blockchains, for monitoring the transactions, for testing, and different IDEs coming with their connectors, etc. Managing all those tools often becomes a painful task.

BlockTEST is introducing Greenhouse — an integrated toolbox for blockchain DevOps, an automated middleware development platform as a service, so that you can build audible blockchain applications in a streamlined way and on consistent sets of architectural plumbing principles, knowing you can scale to serve and protect millions of client users.

BlockTEST’s Greenhouse contains several essential tools for one to develop blockchain-based applications: chain management, IDE, monitoring, and a set of different testing modules all integrated together, and you can access them in your browser.

Functional Modules

1. Chain Management

Greenhouse allows you to create and control different blockchains simply using button clicks. You can launch, terminate, re-boot authorized chains without any hassle. Currently, we support Quorum and Ethereum, and we have more chains coming soon.

2. Monitoring Dashboard

During development, it is important for one to know what is happening in the chains. The monitoring module in Greenhouse provides an intuitive visualization of the transactions, blocks, and contracts in your blockchains. Save you all the efforts to deal with API calls via RPC and sorting through JSON objects.

3. Smart IDE

Writing a smart contract is the fundamental thing for developing a DApp. That is why we tried very hard to pack a lot of useful functions into the web IDE in Greenhouse. Apart from the basic coding functions such as indentation, code completion, and so on, it is also smoothly integrated with essential functions like compilation, deployment, invoking (calling functions) and unit-testing, so you can finish the entire cycle of development — testing — deployment in one place. Moreover, your files are safely stored in the Cloud, which means you can work on them whenever you have an internet connection and a web browser.

Smart IDE

4. Performance and Security

Apart from unit-testing, Greenhouse provides two other testing methods: performance testing and security analysis. Performance testing can launch a stress test on your DApp, in order to measure its performance metrics such as latency, throughput, scalability, etc. The security analysis module scans your source code to detect vulnerabilities and loopholes. They are provided to help to make your DApp more robust and secure.

Security Analysis

Beta Users

You are welcomed to sign up as our early adopters! Since the product is still in the beta stage, we offer you free access to all our services. If you are interested in creating a “private” chain that cannot be accessed by other members, you could request upgraded access right through the platform, and you can play around with private blockchains too!

What to Expect Next

With any rapidly evolving technology, it is crucial to stay updated all the time. We have many great (or maybe insane) ideas about the direction we would like to improve Greenhouse. But, it is more important to hear from you. We greatly value your thoughts, please give us your feedback (especially negative ones) to help us build a better tool for you!

When the beta-test is finished, Greenhouse will be officially released, all existing users during the beta-test period will be offered credit tokens to access the fee-charging functions.

Visit us at BlockTEST’s Greenhouse and let us know which feature you like or hate by sending us feedback. Looking forward to your thoughts!




BlockTEST is a home for the blockchain community. From problem to solution — we’ll provide everything you need to grow your blockchain ambitions into reality.