Blockchain Foundry has a new look!

2 min readFeb 27, 2018

We have some great news to share today with our community: Blockchain Foundry Inc has a new look!

The Blockchain Foundry brand is integral to all our communication and marketing efforts: Blockmarket, Syscoin, and our Microsoft Azure cloud software releases are dependent on a having a coherent branding structure and we now have the foundation to proceed with the rest of our branding.

It took us a lot of hard work and time to bring this logo to fruition, we believe we’ve found the right fit to meet our branding vision.

Our vision, was to have a simple, recognizable logo that represents the serious, corporate attitude of the company while still representing the open nature of the platforms we build on. We believe that we’ve truly embodied those goals with this logo. We’ve been working hard to have the logo ready for our Polycon18 presentation, and a full brand-guide is still in-development which we’ll share with the community soon. Keep an eye out for the new branding at the conference!

Our new logo!

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