Blockmarket Desktop 1.1.3 Released: Now with Bitcoin and ZCash Direct Payments

3 min readDec 8, 2017


As mentioned in last week’s post we are ramping up development efforts around Blockmarket Desktop before the Blockmarket Web release which is due in just a few months. We’re fixing as many bugs and implementing as many value-added enhancements as possible so that when Blockmarket Web is publicly released, it will be as robust as possible.


Blockmarket 1.1.3: Mac | Windows

Bitcoin and ZCash Direct Payments

We are delighted to anounce that we have added support for Bitcoin and ZCash “direct payments” in Blockmarket Desktop. This means that you can now list offers requiring a payment method of Bitcoin or ZCash rather than Syscoin, and it is a significant step forward because Syscoin’s decentralized blockchain marketplace is now accessible to merchants who may feel more comfortable accepting these currencies. To use this feature buyers will send Bitcoin or ZCash directly to your Syscoin wallet to complete their purchase, rather than using the peg-converted Syscoin equivalent.

If you purchase a Blockmarket offer that uses Bitcoin or ZCash direct payments, you’ll be provided with instructions on how to complete the purchase. This functionality is similar to features in Syscoin QT but with several usability improvements; One such improvement is the ability to now use pegged-currencies with direct payments! In the Syscoin Qt wallet it was neccessary to price your item in Bitcoin or ZCash to use direct payments, thus exposing the pricing of your item to price volatility. In Blockmarket 1.1.3 all payment methods utilize our currency pegging mechanism, which allows the seller to price their offer using any of the supported peg currencies (eg. USD, GBP, etc). When the offer is purchased Blockmarket will use realtime market data to convert the pegged-amount to the correct Bitcoin or ZCash total and then direct the user to complete payment.

Collecting Bitcoin and ZCash direct payments is easy because the SHA256 keys of Syscoin are compatible with Bitcoin and ZCash. All the seller needs to do is import their Syscoin private key into a Bitcoin or ZCash wallet and their funds will be available immediately.

Upcoming Enhancements

Blockmarket Desktop does not currently support escrow for Bitcoin or ZCash direct payments, and neither does it support ‘mixed’ payment methods. In upcoming releases we’ll be adding both of these features. This will enable sellers to accept any combination of Syscoin, Bitcoin or ZCash for payment rather than having to choose between them. By enabling escrow on direct payments, buyers and sellers alike can use Blockmarket safe in the knowledge that their transaction is secure, regardless of the payment method. Providing escrow capabilities around Bitcoin and ZCash payments will be a unique and innovative feature to Blockmarket.

Blockmarket development is gaining momentum fast and we’re excited for the upcoming releases through the remainder of 2017 and onward throughout 2018. We’re currently on track to deliver the Blockmarket Desktop 1.2 payment processors release later this month and we expect it to include some of the enhancements mentioned in this post.

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