Sneak Peak at Our First Product Release: Blockmarket M1

4 min readSep 6, 2016


Early mockups of a single merchant’s Blockmarket.

As we announced just a few days ago the team behind the Syscoin project has formed an official company entity, Blockchain Foundry. That company will be used for a host of purposes, including ongoing support and maintenance of the Syscoin platform, for more information on the company see this recent press release.

Setting up the company has taken time but we’ve done our best to have multiple internal projects running in parallel- the company setup, Syscoin 2.1 development, and Blockmarket development. We wanted to give people a sneak peak at what they can expect in Blockmarket M1. Keep in mind that M1 represents milestone 1. Blockmarket M2 (milestone 2) represents the fully realized Blockmarket vision, while M1 still may present the user with more technical setup requirements.

Users will be able to access Blockmarket items directly via mobile or desktop.

Unlike today’s Syscoin wallet desktop experience, Blockmarket is entirely web-based, meaning that not only will it be much easier for users to access items you have for sale, but also you’ll be able to control exactly what items are displayed in YOUR Blockmarket, as well as customize it to have a look and feel that represents you and your store. Features like notifications when items are sold, or when you receive a new message are also all part of Blockmarket M1. Making selling on the Syscoin platform secure, easy, and reliable for merchants is key to our long term success- without merchants there can’t be buyers!

Blockmarket isn’t just something for sellers to be excited about, Blockmarket is also the first step towards an entirely re-designed wallet experience, including the desktop and a full-featured mobile wallet as well! Even if you’re not selling anything, you can setup Blockmarket M1 on a web server and use it as your personal web wallet, giving you access to the Syscoin network wherever you go- Blockmarket is targeted as a cross-device experience. This goes beyond just simple buying and selling. Blockmarket allows you to use all of Syscoin’s core features from encrypted messaging to buying/selling goods, and of course sending and receiving Syscoin.

Blockmarket is the foundation for an entirely new Syscoin wallet for both desktop and mobile.

The Blockmarket product is part of a longer term strategy to make Syscoin’s platform as a whole more accessible, consistent, and user friendly to the mainstream audience. These updates paired with the feature enhancements in Syscoin 2.1 bring the market a set of features they’ve been asking for, delivered in a way that enables access from anywhere with an internet connection. While these experience enhancements may be starting as browser-only, future releases of the Syscoin desktop wallet, and new Syscoin mobile wallets for both iOS and Android will all share the same theme and user experience as the new wallet within Blockmarket. You can think of Blockmarket as a wallet with an optional storefront when run on a web server (Blockmarket M1).

As Blockmarket is Blockchain Foundry’s first official application, and because Blockmarket M1 will be entirely open source, some may be wondering what Blockchain Foundry’s revenue plans are- do we even have any? Yes we do! Blockmarket is but one of several revenue-generating initiatives which we will be describing in more detail in a future post. Blockmarket and the product suite/ecosystem that will evolve from its early open source roots will provide Blockchain Foundry with a variety of revenue opportunities, and we are actively focusing on those opportunities which will bring the most benefit to the entire ecosystem; including Blockmarket, Blockchain Foundry and Syscoin.

Syscoin 2.1 development has been progressing as well, with the team fixing bugs to ensure that Syscoin 2.1 provides a stable backbone for Blockmarket. Both Syscoin 2.1 and Blockmarket remain targeted for public release in the fourth quarter of 2016.




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