How To Add The Binance Browser Extension & Import MCT Contract Details

Blockchain Meta
Published in
6 min readMay 3, 2023


  • This article is for those who are wanting to store their MCT tokens in the Binance Wallet via their browser extension.
  • It’s just a matter of downloading the extension from the Chrome Web Store and adding the custom token details for MCT.
  • First go to the Chrome Web Store and download the Binance browser extension, I will provide the link below.
  • I will add this extension to Brave for this article instead of using Chrome.
  • Once you have the browser extension page displayed you should see the following:
  • Click on the blue ‘Add to Brave’ tab or whatever browser you are using.
  • You should now see the following pop up window:
  • Click on the ‘Add Extension’ tab and you will then see the following:
  • now you need to click on the cog wheel icon to see the extension in the browser, see below on the far right:
  • Once you click on the cog wheel you need to click on the pin board icon so it is highlighted like the other extensions, see below:
  • Now click on the Binance extension in the browser which will appear as follows:
  • Once you click on the Binance extension you will be given the option to use ‘Use Existing Wallet’ or ‘Create Wallet,’ see below:
  • I will choose to create a new wallet.
  • Once I click on the ‘Create Wallet’ tab you will be given several options, see below:
  • I am going to choose to connect with a hardware wallet.
  • After clicking on the ‘Connect Hardware Wallet’ tab you will be presented with a screen giving you the option to choose which network you would like to use, see below:
  • We obviously want to select the ‘BNB Smart Chain Network’ from the options displayed.
  • Once you have selected the ‘BNB Smart Chain Network’ tab you will see the following information with regards to your ledger:
  • Before you click on the ‘Connect’ tab at the bottom ensure you have the BSC App installed on your ledger and it is enabled.
  • Once you click on the ‘Connect’ tab you will see the following in regards to pairing your Binance Wallet and your Ledger:
  • Click on the ‘Grant Access’ tab which will display a pop up window where you need to click on the ‘Nano S’ text in my case, this will then allow you to click on the ‘Connect’ tab at the bottom of the page, see below:
  • Now click on the ‘Connect’ tab at the bottom of the page and you will see the following which will confirm you have paired your Binance Wallet and Ledger:
  • If you now again click on the Binance App in the browser, Create Wallet tab, Connect Hardware Wallet tab, BNB Smart Chain Network tab, Connect tab at the bottom of the page you will be given the option to select what derivative path you wish to use.
  • I always use ‘Legacy (MEW / MyCrypto)’ which then brings up the correct wallet addresses I use, which derivative path you choose may depend on how you initially installed your ledger, e.g. was it via Ledger Live?,
  • For security reasons I will choose to leave the derivative path on ‘Ledger Live’ for the purposes of this article.
  • Once you see the correct wallet address you wish to use and store your MCT in select the circular icon and then the ‘Confirm’ tab at the bottom of the screen, see below:
  • After selecting the ‘Confirm’ tab you will now be asked to create a password for the browser extension, see below:
  • After creating a password and clicking on the ‘Terms Of Use’ box and then the ‘Confirm’ tab you will see your Binance Wallet, see below:
  • We now need to add MCT as a custom token to the wallet.
  • Now proceed to click on the + symbol at the bottom of the page where you will see the following:
  • We now need to click on the ‘Custom Asset’ tab which will bring up the following page to enter the MCT contract address, see below:
  • We now want to copy and paste the MCT contract address which is ‘0x2aDC5723085f8FB30BF464e035CBf699aA551765’ into the required field.
  • Once you have added the MCT contract address the remaining details will auto-fill, see below:
  • Now we just need to click on the ‘Add Asset’ tab which will then add MCT to the wallet, see below:
  • You now have added MCT to the Binance Wallet.
  • To get your deposit address for MCT simply click on the MCT tab where you will see the following options:
  • Click on the ‘Receive’ tab and you will see your deposit address for MCT which you can copy and paste plus a barcode, see below:
  • You can now use this address to deposit your MCT into the Binance Wallet.

