How To Install The CoolWallet S Cold Wallet & Add The MetaCert Token (MCT) On The Binance BNB Chain

Blockchain Meta
Published in
9 min readJun 11, 2023


  • In a previous Medium article I explained the process on how to install the CoolWallet and add the MetaCert (MCT) token.
  • In this article I will explain the process on how to set up a ‘cold storage’ CoolWallet with my iOS device, in this case I will use the CoolWallet S although I use a CoolWallet Pro as the procedures are the same.
  • Note that it is recommended you be charging the device while setting up and pairing to your phone so you do not loose a connection and have to begin all over again.

Download & Setup The CoolWallet App

  • Firstly go to the App Store and type in ‘CoolWallet’ which will then bring you to the following page:
  • Download the App to your iOS device which will appear on your phone as follows:
  • Tap on the App icon, you will now be asked if you would like CoolWallet to send you notifications, see below photo:
  • Once you have clicked on ‘Don’t Allow’ or ‘Allow’ you will be taken to the following page:
  • As we have a CoolWallet card we will select the ‘Setup My CoolWallet Pro/S’ tab.
  • You will then get a pop up window saying that CoolWallet would like to use Bluetooth which is obviously required, see below:
  • Once you have clicked on the ‘Ok’ tab you will be asked to pair the device and be presented with the device serial number, note I will not disclose all of this serial number for security reasons, see below:
  • You will see from the below photo of the CoolWallet pro in it’s charging device it is displaying ‘Please Pair.’
  • Also on the card in the top left corner you will see a series of letters and numbers which are linked to this specific device which I again will not disclose for security reasons.
  • This is the same series of letters and numbers you should see on your phone asking you to pair, so please check that the letters and numbers are the same before you proceed.
  • Once you have confirmed you are pairing the correct card to your device tap on the ‘Pair’ tab.
  • You will now see a pop up window asking that you press the button on the card, see below photos:
  • You will now see on your phone the option to ‘Create A New Wallet’ or ‘Recover’ a wallet, see below:
  • You will also now see that the card has been paired to your phone, see below:
  • I will assume this is your first time using a CoolWallet so will proceed to ‘Create A New Wallet.”
  • After selecting the ‘Create A New Wallet’ tab you will have the option to ‘Generate Recovery Phrase” either by using the App or card and either selecting 12,18 or 24 words.
  • For maximum security I suggest you choose the ‘By Card’ option and select 24 words as your recovery phrase.
  • Once you have selected the required fields and selected the ‘Generate Recovery Phrase’ tab you will be asked to switch on the card with the card number displayed, see below:
  • On you phone you will now see some instructions in regards to your recovery phrase, see below:
  • You will now also see the first seed word displayed on the device, see below:
  • I will now proceed to write down my recovery phrase from the series of numbers that will be displayed on the device. Note that you do receive two recovery phrase cards to write down your seed words when you receive the device, however I have used all mine so will just use a piece of paper.
  • Please ensure you write down each number in the exact same order as displayed and do not take any screen shots or leave a copy on you computer of the seed words.
  • Note that once you have written down the seed word you will need to click on the card’s circular button to proceed to the following seed word.
  • Once you have written down your 24 seed words and carefully checked they are correct click on the ‘Written Down, Verify Now” tab, see the 24 seed words below:
  • You will now be asked to add up all the numbers from your seed words and enter the total sum, see below:
  • The total sum of all my seed words was 1183368 which I entered into the required field.
  • Once I had entered these numbers the card was displaying ‘generating’ with the phone loading a page.
  • Once the phone had finished loading a page I seen the following appear, see below:
  • I then clicked on the ‘Ok’ tab and was directed to the ‘Add Coin’ screen, see below:
  • The card was now displaying the following:
  • I now decided to just add ETH from the ‘Add Coin’ screen above and clicked on the ‘Add To Wallet’ tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • I was then able to see ETH had been added to my wallet, see below:

Adding The Metacert Token (MCT) To Your Wallet

  • We now need to add the MetaCert Token (MCT) on the Binance BNB Chain.
  • Ensure that the ‘Cold Wallet’ tab is selected as shown in the above photo, this should already be selected by default.
  • Make sure that you are on the ‘Wallet’ tab located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Next, click on the ‘Manage’ tab located in the middle of the right-hand side of the screen which will take you to the ‘Manage Wallet’ page where you will see only ETH selected which I added previously, see below:
  • As MCT is running on the Binance BNB Chain we first need to select BNB — BSC.
  • Now click on the + symbol in the top right corner which will direct you to a page where you can ‘Add Coin/Token’ or a ‘Custom Token,’ see below:
  • Now click on the ‘Add Coin/Token’ tab where you will again see the list of default Coins & Tokens you can add, see below:
  • In the search field at the top of the screen type ‘BNB’ where you will see the following:
  • You now need to select the BNB -BSC at the bottom of the list which will then display a tab saying ‘Add To Wallet,’ see below:
  • Once you have clicked on the tab ‘Add To Wallet’ you will need to ensure the CoolWallet card is still turned on.
  • You will see a circle slowly counting up to 100% on the phone, once complete you will have added BNB (BSC) to your wallet, see below:
  • Click the ‘< back’ tab and you will be directed to the main wallet page where you can see BNB (BSC) is visible along with ETH previously added, see below:
  • You now need to add MCT contract details to add the token to the wallet.
  • To go back to the wallet page simply click on the ‘Manage’ tab, see below:
  • Once on the ‘Manage Wallet’ page simply click on the + symbol again where you will have the option to once more ‘Add Coin/Token or ‘Add Custom Token.’
  • This time you need to select the ‘Add Custom Token’ at the bottom which will bring up the following page :
  • You now need to copy and paste the contract address for MetaCert which is ‘0x2aDC5723085f8FB30BF464e035CBf699aA551765’ and tap on the ‘Add’ tab, this will then display the settings for MCT, see below:
  • You now just need to click on the ‘Add’ tab at the bottom of the screen to add MCT to your wallet, see below:
  • Again, if you tap on the ‘<Back’ tab you will be taken to the wallet home page, see below:
  • You have now successfully added MCT to your CoolWallet S or Pro, as mentioned earlier the procedure is the same.
  • To obtain your MCT deposit address simply click on the ‘Receive’ tab in the middle of the screen, you will then have the option to select which crypto asset you would like to deposit, see below:
  • Click on ‘MCT (BEP-20) and you will have the options to copy or share your address, see bellow:


  • There are many more functions I could mention in this article in regards to the CoolWallet Pro/S which I will leave for another article if the demand and interest is there, e.g. being able to link the CoolWallet directly with MetaMask or scanning a barcode via WalletConnect etc.
  • One thing I really like about the CoolWallet is the added security with regards to Biometric Authentication which means you have an added layer of security as you need to confirm outgoing transactions on both the card and your phone.
  • I also believe the recovery phrase procedure has added security as you literally have to match up each number on your recovery phrase card with the device and then with your phone, it’s not just a matter of entering the same number but ensuring you enter the number in a certain sequence, I will attach a video below for those interested.

