How To Install The Crypto.Com Browser Extension To Receive Your MCT Tokens

Blockchain Meta
Published in
8 min readMay 9, 2023


  • In this article I will go through the process on how to download and install the browser extension where you can store you MCT tokens.
  • Note the procedure is similar to the article I wrote on the Binance browser extension, but I still thought it beneficial to write an article on as I know several people who use this extension including myself and will be suggesting it to others as it’s very user friendly.
  • In this article I am going to assume you are very new to crypto and do not own a hardware wallet so will create a new wallet using the 12 word Recovery Phrase.
  • I will use Google Chrome in this article as the browser.

Download The Extension

  • Firstly go to the Chrome Web Store and type in, alternatively you can access the link below:
  • You will then see the following page:
  • Click on the ‘Add To Chrome’ tab which will bring up the following pop up window:
  • Click on the ‘Add Extension’ tab to confirm you wish to proceed.
  • You will then see the following pop up window appear confirming you have downloaded the extension:
  • You now have the extension installed within your browser.

Allow Your Browser To Display The Extension Icon

  • To allow the extension to be visible in the browser next to any other extensions you may have installed click on the cog wheel icon in the top right corner of your browser, see below photo:
  • Once you click on the cog wheel icon you will then see the following pop up window appear:
  • You will see the clipboard icon is not highlighted in red like the other extensions installed (note the colour of the clipboard icon may differ depending on your computer settings).
  • Click on the clipboard icon next to which will change the colour to the same as the other extensions or highlight the icon if you have no other extensions installed, see below:
  • You will now be able to see the extension in the browser next to any others you may have installed, see below:

Creating A Crypto.Com Wallet

  • Now click on the icon and you will see the following pop up window appear:
  • Click on the ‘Get Started’ tab where you will be required to scroll through three pages, see below photos:
  • Once you click on the ‘Next’ tab in step 3/3 you will see the following:
  • You now want to select the ‘Standalone Wallet Mode’ from the two options.
  • Proceed to click on the ‘Standalone Wallet Mode’ tab where you will be given the option to ‘Import Existing Wallet” or ‘Create New Wallet,’ see below:
  • As mentioned in the introduction we will create a new wallet.
  • Proceed to click on the ‘Create New Wallet’ tab where you will see the following:
  • Now click on the ‘Got It’ tab where you will be asked to create a password, see below:
  • After you have entered a password into the required fields click on the ‘Create Wallet’ tab where you are asked to name your wallet, see below:
  • For the purpose of this article I will name the wallet ‘MCT Wallet.’
  • Once you have given your wallet a name click on the ‘Proceed’ tab at the bottom of the page where you will see the following three pages in regards to securing your Recovery Phrase:
  • Once you have clicked on the ‘Next’ tab in 3/3 you will see your 12 word Recovery Phrase, see below:
  • Write down your Recovery Phrase on a piece of paper in the same order as displayed and never store a copy on your computer or a screenshot on your phone.
  • Now click on the ‘Proceed’ tab where you will be asked to enter some of the Recovery Phrase words that corresponded to their number they were allocated to in the previous step, see below:
  • Once you have entered the correct words that correspond to the numbers asked click on the ‘Proceed’ tab where you will see a confirmation that you have entered the Recovery Phrase words correctly, see below:
  • Now click on the ‘Got It’ tab where you will be prompted to enter the password you created, see below:
  • Once you have entered the password click on the ‘Unlock’ tab where a pop up window will appear asking if you would like to Import a Network, see below:
  • As the MetaCert token will be using the Binance BNB Chain we will choose to click on the ‘Import Network’ tab so we can import the correct network, you can do this later once you have set up your wallet but it makes sense to do it now if your required network is in the list displayed.
  • Once you have clicked on the ‘Import Network’ tab you will see a list of networks you can import, we obviously want to import the ‘BNB Smart Chain’ network, see below:
  • Now click on the ‘Add’ tab that corresponds to ‘Binance Smart Chain’ and you will see that it now says the network has been added, see below:
  • Now click on the back arrow displayed at the top of the page on the left and you will be taken to your wallet home page, see below:
  • Before we import the MCT token we want to check that the ‘BNB Smart Chain’ network has been added to the wallet.
  • Click on the down arrow next to the Cronos logo, see below:
  • You will now see a list of Mainnet and Testnet networks, scroll down to see further networks.
  • We can see from the below photo the ‘ BNB Smart Chain’ has been added to the list of networks.
  • Now close the pop up window by clicking on the X symbol and you will again be taken back to you wallet home page.
  • Now we can proceed to add MCT as a custom token.
  • First you must ensure that you are on the ‘BNB Smart Chain’ network which you can select from the drop down arrow as mentioned above, see below:
  • Proceed to click on the ‘+ Add A Token’ tab at the bottom of the page where you will see the following:
  • Click on the blue ‘Import Now’ tab at the bottom of the page where you will see the following:
  • We now need to copy and past the MCT smart contract address which is 0x2aDC5723085f8FB30BF464e035CBf699aA551765.
  • If you copy and paste the above contract address into the top field it should auto-fill the rest of the contract details, see below:
  • Now click on the blue ‘Import Token’ tab at the bottom of the page where you will see the following confirming you have successfully imported the MCT token:
  • Click on the ‘Ok’ tab which will take you back to the home page where you will see MCT has been added to the wallet, see below:
  • Now that we have imported the MCT token you need to get a deposit address, if you click on the blue ‘Receive’ tab you will see the following displaying your address in the form of a barcode and the ability to copy the address to your clipboard:
  • You can now send and receive MCT tokens via the browser extension.


  • This deposit address is what you will need to give to MetaCert if you have completed the MCT issuance form, for reference I will add a link to the form below:

  • There are many other aspects of the wallet I could go into in this article which I will leave for another time if enough people are using the extension.
  • Ofcourse, if you require help you can PM me on telegram via but please note I may not reply immediately due to different time zones but I will be available to help if you require it.
  • If you would also like to create an account with you can do so by clicking on the following link:

