GLBrain, Facebook made in Europe presented at BLOCKCHANCE Conference

3 min readAug 16, 2018


The European company GLBrain is using blockchain technology to take on the big American social media players like Facebook by remedying the data privacy and security issues for which the latter have come under critique. The GLBrain platform is more comprehensive and more secure than standard social networks in that it gives full data ownership to its users. At the BLOCKCHANCE CONFERENCE in Hamburg on the 24th and 25th of August, Dr. Wolfgang Pinegger and Alfred Jost (CEO and CFO of GLBrain respectively) will be providing novel insights into their vision for second-generation social networks made in Europe.

At the BLOCKCHANCE Conference Hamburg 2018, during the 3pm session on Friday the 24th of August, Dr. Wolfgang Pinegger and Alfred Jost will be presenting GLBrain, a European response to the American social media giants. “GLBrain is an all-encompassing internet platform that covers all the essential aspects of our daily lives,” states Jost. “It is like Facebook, only better.” The main advantage of the platform is that users retain full ownership and control over their data — GLBrain does not algorithmically process, store, and monetize user data like the established networks. Users have full control over which of their data is visible and can at any time change the personal information located in the data base, as well as delete their data once and for all. With the help of the third-generation Fiber blockchain provided by its partners at the Skycoin Project, this model can be implemented in an efficient, scalable, and highly secure manner with low susceptibility to hacking. The workings of the Fiber blockchain are not noticeable to users themselves, it operates completely in the background of the platform — users interact with the site as they would with any other social media platform.

The GLBrain interface offers all the content-sharing possibilities found on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In addition, users have access to an online publishing service, professional community-management functions, and the decentralized marketplace GLMall, which could develop into a European alternative to Amazon and eBay. At the moment, products, services, jobs and real estate are being offered on the GLMall. Larger organizations may also customize their community management tools and online storefront to optimize their reach.

GLBrain is available in 224 countries and 106 languages, and European data protection regulations are in principle always strictly followed because users retain ownership over their data.

“I wanted to create a technical concept which makes impossible the unacceptable exploitation and abuse of user data currently prevalent in the industry.” (Wolfgang Pinegger, CEO at GLBrain)

“The general public is beginning to understand how fundamentally blockchain technology can change our lives.” (Alfred Jost, CFO at GLBrain and CEO of Solar Bankers)

The BLOCKCHANCE Conference Hamburg 2018 will be held on the 24th and 25th of August on the MLOVE Future City Campus in Hamburg’s HafenCity. It is a platform for communication and exchange and gives unique insight into the latest developments in blockchain and crypto technology. Tickets are available at Eventbrite starting at 15€. SKYFI and MLOVE are the convenors.

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BLOCKCHANCE is Germany’s leading conference on blockchain, AI and sustainability and launches a media and education platform in 2021