Just in Time containers

2 min readMay 15, 2018


The goal for the container carrier industry is having the right type and number of containers, at the right time, at the right place. To improve efficiency a container should ideally never be standing still while it is empty. It should either be moving with cargo on its way to the stripping site or be moved to its next job at the stuffing site. Every time it stands still on an empty container depot it is a waste of resources for the industry and should be avoided.

Blockshipping’s purpose with its Global Shared Container Platform — GSCP — is to increase the amount of time a shipping container is moving with cargo, reduce the distance of the empty container moves and, to the extent possible, to disrupt the unproductive waiting time at the empty container depot.

GSCP’s Empty Container Repositioning algorithm will ensure that for all containers on the platform have consistent data of the containers current job as well as the ability to calculate the optimal next assignment for each container. By taking the full flow of all containers registered on the GSCP platform into consideration, at any time, the GSCP platform will display an updated view of all containers.

Read more about Blockshipping’s ICO and the GSCP Platform here

