Is It Time to Ban Men?

A look at the demographics of mass shootings in the US

Staten Blogging
5 min readMar 29, 2023

We’re all tired of gun violence. We’re all tired of mass shootings. I’m out of things to say about it. The news of the recent school shooting in [pick the most relevant city as of whenever you read this], killing [insert relevant number] children, is devastating for all of us.

See how evergreen that is? Almost as evergreen as the thoughts and prayers our political leaders have to offer every single time.

In all reality, I’m writing this days after a shooting at an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee.

An elementary school.


My baby girl is five years old, currently in preschool, and ready to start kindergarten in the fall, and I have no idea how to keep her safe without making her afraid. I climbed into her bed the other night and hugged her so tight before she fell asleep. Part of me was scared to let go.

Part of me still is.

But you don’t want to hear the fears and grievances of a mother. You’ve heard it a million times. This isn’t new, is it? There have been 376 school shootings since Columbine.

Here’s what is new: The Republican politicians that the NRA has bought have found a new target to blame.



Staten Blogging

Sometimes I write poetry. Sometimes I write about feminism, parenting, or feminist parenting. Sometimes I just shout about how gay I am. Good luck.