Vote to Hear Our Panels at the 2021 Virtual SXSW Conference

Bloomberg Associates
3 min readNov 16, 2020


If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that no matter what curveballs come our way, we need to be quick and nimble in response. COVID-19 has not only presented its own unique and difficult challenges, but has also brought into sharper focus societal issues such as systemic racism and inequity. As we head into 2021, it’s critical that our leaders continue to rethink how we address issues like the climate crisis and the need for technology within the government through a new lens — one that keeps all residents in mind.

If you’re interested in learning more on these topics, then vote for Bloomberg Associates’ session ideas for the upcoming 2021 Virtual SXSW Conference. Voting is now open through November 20, 2020 via the SXSW PanelPicker. Community votes make up 30 percent of the final decision, and public input is important to help shape the event.

Through collaborative and candid conversations, our experts will explore challenges, solutions and strategies to help cities and their leaders succeed. Learn more about our 2021 proposals below:

  • A New Urgency

Redesigning the Urban Environment for Extreme Heat — As climate change and COVID-19 continue to affect our communities — specifically redlined neighborhoods — there has been increased importance on cities having quality public spaces. Bloomberg Associates Sustainability Principal Adam Freed will talk about how we can combat climate change during a pandemic and transform our cities using climate-responsive urban design in public spaces. By evaluating case studies in major cities around the world, Adam will outline how it’s possible for other cities to adapt to the changing environment now and post-pandemic.

  • Challenging Tech’s Path Forward

The Future of Digital Leadership in Cities — 2020 has only exposed the need for technology and data in government. Digital leaders around the world have been able to gain and provide valuable insights on how they can tackle some of their biggest challenges — such as the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness and systematic inequities. Bloomberg Associates has been working with cities around the world to implement and replicate successful digital strategies. Media and Digital Strategies Principal Katherine Oliver, joined by digital leaders from major city governments, will discuss the need for urban digital transformation, and analyze the main findings of their ongoing research, sharing their experiences, insights, and lessons from the field.

How to Vote

Sign in or create an account at Once logged in, find proposals by searching for the title or speaker name. Once you’ve located the proposal you’d like to vote on, select the arrow up icon to vote yes or the arrow down icon to vote no. Participants can vote once per proposal.

Have a question for one of our experts? Leave a comment on the proposal. We’d love to hear from you!

For more information on SXSW Online Conference, please visit



Bloomberg Associates

A pro-bono, international consulting service, founded by Mike Bloomberg, that helps city governments improve the quality of life of their citizens.