Blooming Kids HQ meets…Helen Schoeb — wife, mother, music lover and founder of MyRebounder

Blooming Kids HQ
4 min readApr 20, 2018


Helen is passionate about getting kids active and a believer in things coming in 3s!

Q. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, Helen, please tell us a bit about yourself and what you do…

I am originally from the Isle of Man but moved to London fifteen years ago. I lived in Central London for many years but after having children moved out to Kent. I worked in the City before children and continued part time after having them, but decided to look for a new challenge that was a bit more family friendly! I now run my own business MyRebounder, inspired by my passion to get kids active while keeping it fun and my love of rebounding! (For those that don’t know rebounding is the term for using a mini trampoline.) If I’m not busy at home, with work or the kids, then I’m likely to be out in town with friends or listening to live music somewhere.

Q. Our lives have followed a similar path! I moved to Essex after a long stint in Central London and am now seeking a more flexible challenge to work around the kids like so many other mums.

So what do you think is important to become a fully rounded Blooming Kid? How about 3 things (or more if you want)…

I think it is really important to teach our kids to be kind, be honest and have good manners. Kids need to understand the importance of wellbeing and how being active makes them physically and mentally fit. They should also know how to eat and sleep well. Things don’t have to be perfect and aren’t always easy but if you practise anything it will get easier and should get better. You have to try things to really know whether you will like something or not and make sure you do find things that you really enjoy. It’s important to understand that we are all different, we may look different, we may feel differently about things, we may enjoy different things, we may be good at different things and that’s the way its supposed to be! That’s definitely more than 3 things!!!

Q. Hear, hear…kids need all those things to bloom; and teaching them to be emotionally intelligent is just as important as keeping them healthy and active.

You have two kids, how do you keep them happy and healthy? What do they love to do?

It’s no surprise both my kids love to bounce and are always super happy if they get a chance to go to one of the trampoline parks. We also recently discovered Clip n Climb which they both really enjoyed. We are lucky at school they both have club opportunities to play team games. My son does football and my daughter netball and it’s great for them to be active with their friends. At the weekends they do Judo (although not sure they love the early start for this) and have swimming lessons. It all sounds very active but they do also love watching movies and playing on an iPad! They both really enjoy lots of different foods and always love to eat out although they are equally happy with a Sunday Roast at home when we all eat together.

Q. Fab…sounds like they are doing a lot of fun stuff to stay active and when they’re having fun it’s easier to keep them healthy! Just like us, they need balance too though, and relaxing is part of that.

Finally, what’s your favourite thing about being a mum?! As we know, kids say a lot of funny stuff, anything you’d like to share?

There are so many wonderful things about being a mum, but my kids give the best hugs in the world. One hug from them and the world feels like a better place!

I still think it’s funny that as my son is on the photos for our website and promotional stuff he thinks he’s famous. I recently had an editorial piece in the Families magazine and when he was flicking through the pages whilst we were out he saw the picture of him and his sister on the mini trampolines and said ‘See mum, I am famous, I’m everywhere, even in this magazine!’

Love it…we all need our 15 minutes of fame!! Thank you so much Helen for taking time to speak to us. I think your trampolines look great and I’m heading off to your website to order a couple now as my two have birthdays coming up…I’m just hoping they let me have a go! 😊

Helen’s company MyRebounder can be found at and on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook

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Blooming Kids HQ

I’m an Essex mum just trying hard to keep her kids happy, healthy, inspired & kind…❤️