Date : 19th July 2022

Time : 1300 UTC


Link to start of AMA in CHAT :


HOST : To begin with, Can you introduce yourself as well as the team behind Bened to our community?

GUEST : Hello everyone, I am Boris Batalov, the founder of the Soldo Constant company and the inspirer of the Bened project. Bened is open source software, all source files and platform development is conducted in Github .

Soldo Constant LTD orders commercial and infrastructure software from various contractors following the principles of commitment to strict internal audit according to the company’s procedures

HOST : What does Bened entail?
Kindly give a brief description on what it’s all about.

GUEST : We understand the meaning of decentralized databases, which are commonly called blockchain, and we had an idea. We have made a decentralized platform for storing important or interesting events taking place in people’s lives. For example, while we have planned the release of two applications from the Bened HASH series, this is for Protection against unfounded accusations of harassment, and for those who want to set speed records. To download and store data, you need to pay commissions in BND coins, when paying, coins are effectively burned and thereby regulate the pace of the overall emission of new coins.

HOST : What do you think are the strong points of Bened that would set it apart from existing blockchain projects?

GUEST : The main advantage of our project is its absolute openness and transparency for users, which is confirmed by the history of its transactions. Each wallet owner is an issuer, respectively, the more people use it, the more reliable and durable the project is.
A special feature of BENED is the technology of inexpensive mining of new coins, based on patented hybrid algorithms for confirming the balance and the storage time of coins, with an increase in the complexity of mining in proportion to the growth of the total issue.
BENED is worth choosing because:
- it’s open source;
- this is eco-friendly mining;
- it’s decentralized;
- is it safe;
- it’s not for everyone

HOST : Have you achieved any milestone?
If yes, tell us about them as well as your upcoming plans for Bened

GUEST : The development of the Bened project is carried out according to the roadmap:
To date, the following tasks have been completed:
1. The launch of the blockchain on 12/19/2021.
2. We have begun to responsibly implement the memorandum described in the tokenomics white paper.
3. Our own wallet for Android devices has already been developed and published
4. The wallet will appear in the AppStore soon.
5. On July 7, 2022, the exchange trading of the Band cryptocurrency on the exchange began
Now we are distributing bit-based cryptocurrency vouchers and offer you to get free coins right now:

HOST :Let’s talk about partnerships
Could you tell us about your onboarded partners and intending ones ?

GUEST : Our strategic partners are listed on our website, you can see them. We are a young project, but we are developing very quickly and I hope that soon the list of partners will grow exponentially. Also, I will not disclose all the secrets ahead of time, but we are currently negotiating with a large company producing mining equipment, and I hope we will sign an agreement soon. We are also open to absolutely any dialogue and partnership. Therefore, if you want to become an ambassador of the OPENED project in your country, just fill out the form on the website and we will definitely answer you.

HOST :Please tell us about $BND Token in respect to use cases and Tokenomics.

GUEST : The main criterion for the success of any monetary system is the number of individual users or communities using cryptocurrency for its intended purpose — making payments or as a way of accumulating and preserving values. In its development strategy, Bened is focused on the market of daily voluntary payments, such as tips in the service sector (for example, beauty salons, restaurants or gas stations), donations or other expenses that people make daily as an incentive in addition to the taxable payment already made. To implement this direction, a convenient native wallet has been developed with the ability to instantly write a virtual check containing BND coins and offer it as a tip or other reward at your request. In order to transfer a virtual receipt in the form of a QR code, it is enough to simply give it to be photographed from the screen of your smartphone to the person for whom it is intended. Our development is a Blockchain solution — — this is the world’s first public blockchain storage, the use of which is required in many areas of the real economy. Already in 2024, we will release an application for free access, which can be used, for example, by notaries — to duplicate registers with signatures of participants; emergency commissioners — to photograph accidents with instant uploading of incident photos to the blockchain; lawyers — to sign contracts with the possibility of publicly requesting data from the Bened blockchain.Or you can record any event in the blockchain, and your cryptographic signature will be a confirmation of the record. we have also implemented an environmentally friendly way to mine coins and burn coins efficiently. To upload files, the user burns coins in the proportion of 10 coins per 1 KB.


Q1 : You agreed on signing a license agreement with Engineering Companies to distribute Hard Mining Software and Build A Peer to Peer Network of nodes supporting Bened block chain Operations. As Big As this sounds. Do you already have a list of these companies to sign with? Can we know about them?

GUEST : At the moment we are negotiating with different companies that will be able to satisfy our modest budget. As soon as the relevant agreements are signed, we will publish a press release

Q2 : 🔥

BENED doesn’t Cost Anything
BENED has no Colleteral
BENED isn’t for Everyone

Can you give more detail about the phrase BENED isn’t for everyone, does that mean some communities are restricted access to BENED project

HOST : The phrase “not for everyone” means that Bened is not a game and not just a cryptocurrency, it is also a philosophy, and not everyone may like it.The confidence of our project is an appeal to the experience of our ancestors. This is the legacy of Emperor Constantine the Great. Bened is a project to revive the equivalent of a gold solid in the virtual space, which has become a prototype of modern reserve currencies used worldwide as a benchmark for the value of fiat money. I tried to explain our idea in more detail in a video on our website — you can watch it:

Q3 : You have two states of mining,

1- Soft mining
2- Hard mining

Honestly I didn’t heard about these two types of mining before, so please tell us about these two mining process?

GUEST : SoftMining is a software method for generating new coins with an account balance available to each coin holder using a private access key.

HardMining is a software and hardware method of mining coins using specialized equipment that stores an up-to-date copy of the blockchain and is synchronized with the general network to participate in the generation of new blocks.

Q4 : In The Website , You have Mentioned about the BENED AIRDROP PROGRAM IN TELEGRAM, May I know More about the AIRDROP PROGRAM and What is the TELEGRAM LINK and How Users Can join AIRDROP?

GUEST : We distribute coins for free using vouchers.
In order to receive coin vouchers, you need to connect to a voucher source.
To do this, create your own bot and connect it to the source of vouchers.
Just click “YES” and receive instructions by email.


Q5 : On Your Project’s Profile,
Who Picture is this?
& Why have You put it on the Project Profile?

GUEST : That’s a great question. This is the Emperor Constantine the Great. I have already answered about the main idea of our project and the experience of our ancestors. Please watch the video where I tried to convey our idea:


TG :




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