Suzume Vision

1 min readNov 6, 2021


All my life I have only ever wanted to see people be happy, and the last two nights were the best nights of my life! I have never won anything, and nothing has ever come easy to me.

I want to make 7 people happy every night for as long as I can, I want to see our community super happy. I have made a Charity wallet to help the people who really need our help, and that’s when my dreams will come true. I could have kept all this money to myself, but what’s the point, when there are many people in this world that need our help too.

I have been in crypto for some time now, and I truly believe there is enough money in the crypto-verse for us all to share, and to change the lives of as many people as possible.

That was my vision since I can remember, that’s why I created BlueSparrow.

This telegram ID @SuzumeEth is my only voice for now.

All the other social media is ran by our hard working team.





BlueSparrow Is a Revolutionary Token Of Tokenomics, This Lucky Bird Is The Next Generation Of Reflection Tokens.