Enhancing Your Experience: Our New IDO Process Tailored for You

2 min readFeb 1, 2024

The update takes immediate effect and will apply to all our platforms: #BSCPad, #AIPad, #GameZone, #NFTlaunch, #ETHPad, #MetaVPad, #PolyPad, #PulsePad, #ADAPad and #VelasPad.

Extended Window for Guaranteed Allocation

We understand that our global community spans various time zones. To accommodate everyone, we’re extending the guaranteed allocation window from 4 hours to 24 hours. This change means no more late nights or early mornings for those of you in time zones where the 4-hour window was inconvenient.

Consistency with First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Rounds

While we’re adapting the guaranteed allocation timings, the FCFS rounds will continue to commence at 1 pm UTC, a timing many of you expressed a preference for. This consistency ensures that those who are used to the existing FCFS timing can continue to participate without disruption.


Typically, our IDO rounds are scheduled from 1 pm UTC to 1 pm UTC the following day, promptly followed by the First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) round. It’s important to note that this schedule may vary occasionally. To ensure you have the latest information, we recommend regularly checking our official announcements for updates.

This change is all about you — our dedicated community. We listened to your feedback, and we’re acting on it. We believe these adjustments will provide a more accessible, stress-free IDO experience for everyone, regardless of where you are in the world.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support and active participation drive us to continuously improve and innovate. Here’s to a brighter, more inclusive future in our community!




At BlueZilla labs, we nurture innovation. We use our world-class expertise to help projects from inception through to completion! It’s what we do!