Did a Lockheed director of Skunk Works tell us how to get to the stars?

Bmeup Teleport
6 min readApr 18, 2016


Mr. Ben Rich gave a speech to UCLA Alta mater engineers in October 1993 making some astounding claims beyond any capabilities then and even today, one claim being ‘we have the means to reach the stars’. First Mr. Rich did not claim the military was reaching the stars; he stated they just had the means (technology) to reach the stars. But he did say they had a capability to take ETs back home, which implies (to me) some technology did exist almost a quarter of a century ago. It also should be noted, he made the statement it would take an act of God for this technology to be released for public benefit. Where is the proof of first he made the speech and second can his claims be backed up with proof?

Meet Mr. Ben Rich

It is very doubtful to believe this speech he gave to the UCLA Alta mater engineers was any unique experience for Mr. Rich, a retired director of Lockheed’s Skunk Works and the aircraft developer of the F-117 Stealth Fighter; he would have been in a great demand for speaking engagements. However, one of the participants at the questioned meeting was Mr. Jan Harzan, who also asked the question what propulsion system they were using. Mr. Rich’s response was ‘Do you know how ESP works?’ Further investigation for all the very concern on the validity of the speech could be ascertained if one dug deep enough to identify other participants. More importantly what about the statements, is there any proof to these claims?

Skeptics: Authenticity has to be there or it does not exist!

Every skeptic makes their lively hood on authenticity, so without proof it is fiction. There is definitely not absolute proof to every incident we encounter. For example, if anyone of us experience an event; then when disclose to the public, someone may question you for proof. Does it mean if you were the only one to experience it; did it not really happen? When researchers do not have absolute proof, the next tool they use ‘is the event feasible’ could it even happen? Do we have the ingredients to make it happen? Therefore, was it feasible almost a quarter of a century ago, to have the means to reach the stars, to take ETs back home, even be flying our own UFOs using Mr. Rich’s ESP-like propulsion system?

Feasibility of military’s science & technology as means to reach the stars

The feasibility of the technology most probable stems from reverse engineering of four downed UFOs before WWII, two in the U.S. and the other two in occupied Germany and Italy. Long before Hitler’s Nazi party came in power, Germany had their eyes on getting to the stars. FDR stopped all reverse engineering on UFOs in order to concentrate on winning the war, this definitely was not the case of the Nazi party. After the war it was the Nazi science and engineering that both Russia and the U.S. used to get into space and put man on the moon. But this was not the only area that this science and engineering was applied, it also went into the military’s arena, both in Russia and the U.S. One should realize the Nazis were not using Einstein’s relativity, and much of quantum mechanics was a product of Europe, not America; also Tesla’s science and inventions were based upon an ether like Universe (an open physics) which the Nazis studied and used. So is there any proof today that the military is using an open physics, versus the closed physics being taught today in their quest getting to the stars?

Electrogravitic propulsion versus conventional propulsion systems

Nikola Tesla back in the late 1890’s discovered a phenomenon that when a high voltage applied across a capacitor, the capacitor moved in space without any addition momentum or energy applied. T. Townsend Brown enhanced this phenomenon to propel circular discs to fly through the air, providing both lift and propulsion. The military reviewed Brown’s experiment and notified him they were not interested because there no science to support it. In reality it went into the military’s ‘black projects’ in 1956 and 32 years later an aircraft made its maiden flight using this technology, called Electrogravitic. We know the aircraft today as the B2 Bomber.

Four Jet engines driving four electrical generators making Electrogravitic operate

Most definitely Electrogravitic does not in any shape operate in a similar manner to how ESP works, and thus not a propulsion system to reach the stars. What it does illustrate though, Electrogravitic resided outside the science in 1956, and still resides outside what is being taught today. Electrogravitic propulsion may allow flying discs, however, it cannot provide interstellar space travel with speeds to reach the stars.

An ESP-like propulsion system to reach the stars

There were three things Mr. Rich gave us that outlines how their propulsion system could possibly work. First he stated they have the ‘means’ to reach the stars (not that they had ever reached the stars), second he stated they had the capability to take ETs home (referring to this being real, and can be done or had been done), and third the propulsion system works in the same fashion ESP operates (every point in space and time is connected). If every point in space is connected, then the transfer path already exists between any two points, i.e. between Point A to Point B. Therefore, the only thing needed would be to initiate the transfer at Point A and then terminate it at Point B; since both points, plus time are all connected, the transfer would be instantaneous.

Therefore, Mr. Rich stated correctly they had the ‘means’ to reach the stars; in order to reach a star it requires both technologies one on earth and also another at the star location before any transfer could be made. Also, when he stated they had the ‘capability’to take ETs back home he was correct; the ETs having the terminating technology at their home. This ESP-like propulsion system, acts like teleporting, looks like teleporting and even works like teleporting.

Einstein: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

We can sit today and doubt and be skeptical all we want about Mr. Ben Rich, or we can ignore those scenarios and use the feasibility route and open up our path to the stars. Also understand, there is much more proof to the feasibility than using the doubt, if the reader would take the time to research it. Today some folks are spending hours in airports to just get to Point B, even more hours on traffic gridlocks every year, and the whole transportation infrastructure depleting in front of eyes. These conditions are going get worse, never better, because the population continues to grow which intensifies these problems. Today we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars for space, but going nowhere; definitely no plans to reach the stars. Almost a quarter of a century ago Mr. Ben Rich opened a door, showing us a path to the stars (without exposing any top secrets); we since then, just been sitting on our hands questioning his authenticity. All our ingenuity and resources being applied to stupid gadgets, senseless social networking while a whole new frontier awaits humanity — the stars!

Einstein’s relativity maybe wrong, but his quote is right on! The military used this quote to create and develop technology in top secret projects that resides outside current scientific thinking being taught today. It is time for the public to also use the same science and technology to develop the solutions to many problems areas existing today, and also for all humanity to reach the stars.

Thank-you Ben Rich (1925–1995) for opening our eyes

