Is Space Travel 3,000 Times Speed of Light Real?

Bmeup Teleport
3 min readNov 14, 2015


How could spacecrafts achieve 3,000 times c

First, we need to throw away today’s quantum mechanics (QM) and relativity books and get back 100 years into Nikola Tesla’s ether physics. Although Tesla told us both QM and relativity was wrong; even Einstein told his friend Michele Besso a year before he died our science was wrong; it has taken another application Electrogravitic to finally put the last nail in the coffin. In order to achieve this unbelievable speed, an ether physics termed Subquantum Kinetics formed to rid of quarks and replace them with etherons. Ben Rich, the Lockheed Skunk Works director from 1975 to 1990 stated they were using a Russian set of equations (possibly Podkletnov’s) to work out the mathematics for a propulsion system. All this is still locked up in ‘black projects’ and like Rich said ‘it would take an act of God for it to see light for humanity’s benefit’. We do have proof he is not lying to us; yes, it called the B2 bomber.

It stated the B2 bomber’s jet engines used for creating hi-energy electricity with some thrust, however, not enough thrust to get the bomber off the ground. It also stated, with the right conditions, the bomber could fly without any fuel consumption, just using the intake air to keep the turbines turning creating the electricity. Of course most of the technology is all top-secret and not available for public disclosure, just what we have accidently leaked out to the press accidently and the insider information.


To understand the very basic concept behind Electrogravitic, it is sometimes like the Casimir effect, a small force exerted when voltage applied across a capacitor. As far back in Tesla and T. Townsend Brown time, in 1920, both working on flying machines using this capacitor scenario. Brown by manipulating the voltage and the capacitor’s dielectric material he could make small discs both elevate and fly. Does this make the B2 bomber a flying capacitor using the Casimir effect? No, the Casimir effect could never create the force to push a B2 into in the air and sustain its flight without fuel, nor even to fly Brown’s initial flying discs. Also pointed out the Nazi was working on this technology and supposedly had a craft flying just before the war ended, but destroyed it so the Allies could not get it.

Brown’s Electrogravitic disagreed with current science there was no way science’s isotopic wind effect could explain the phenomenon, but in 1956 it went into ‘black projects’ and 32 years later, 1988, the first aircraft with a completely new science, made its maiden flight — B2 bomber. How it happens, a hi-energy positive potential applied to the leading edge of the wing and thus positive ions flow off the wing and behind the aircraft. At the same time negative ions coming from generators turned by the jet turbines also streaming behind the craft. Using the craft’s design they meet somewhere behind the craft and a huge electrostatic repulsive force created pushing the bomber forward. Is the B2 bomber capable of 3,000 c speeds? No, the bomber’s technology only part of the total technology required. The other technology is paving the way for a craft, such as sucking it through space; this called a gravity beam.


Is this all theoretical, or is there some real proof behind it? We come back to Ben Rich’s statement ‘it would take an act of God to get it out for humanity’, or maybe not? Let Russia or China also develop it and just maybe we will have that ‘act of God’! Meanwhile, let us get our science corrected, and at least get on the correct track for future innovations; something besides the current BS i.e. Facebook, Twitter, iPhones, stupid watches, etc. some real meat, like real object teleportation to go along with 3000 c.

