Sources: ESportsConnected will be rebranding to On Sla2ers due to new sponsor. Final name not announced yet.

Bo Hoogland
Feb 16, 2022


ESports Connected is a Korean esports organization which started in League Of Legends

According to multiple sources, Korean esports organization ESportsConnected will be rebranding for 2022 due to the organization acquiring a new sponsor for 2022. Many feared that the organization had let go of the roster which is confirmed not to be the case.

Sources have confirmed this may not be the final name for the organization but a placeholder. Sla2er is the ingame name of the owner of ESportsConnected which is where the name more than certainly derives from.

The organization currently owns a top 3 Korean VALORANT roster which consists of former Crazy Raccoon players Bazzi, former F4Q player Zunba and former TNL Esports player TS. The roster is rounded out by Goddead and K1Ng who is loaned from DRX Vision Strikers.

This story is breaking.



Bo Hoogland

VALORANT coach turned part time reporter due to studies.