An American History Lesson for This Election Year…and This Independence Day.
Photo Courtesy of The Author (C) 2024
First and foremost, if you don’t read anything else in this article…Watch This.
Now, dry those tears while I teach you what I learned on Fathers’ Day and this American Independence Day. That’s right…
Happy Independence Day to you…my Fellow…Unpredictable Americans.
Before I get too long in the tooth, I’d like to sing you a song. It’s a bit painful to listen to but that’s intentional. You see, this is the first original song I ever wrote. It’s also the first song I ever played, in full, on the guitar. It’s also the first original melody I designed. It’s also, a song about America. Now, let me set the scene.
The 2016 Election in the US was weird for a lot of reasons. Not just because a political novice and reality TV star beat the political establishment, but also because there was a pretty well documented attempt by Russia to Influence the 2016 U.S. Election. I was not surprised when Trump won. I was surprised when the Democratic Party did not learn from their mistake, reinvent themselves, and start prioritising the interests of their constituents over “special interests”. At this moment I was…hurt.
I thought Donald Trump would be a good reset button for the Presidency. I thought he would shake things up. I thought he might do some damage along the way but how bad could it be? Right?
Then, this happened.
Then this.
At that moment, I went from hurt to scared. And…as my closest friends will tell you…
I do not scare easily.
But you know what’s cool about America? Do you know what we should all be proud of?
WE – THE PEOPLE – We’re…
When someone shoves the same old political, dynastic family down our throats, WE elect Donald Trump. When The Donald or at least his most trusted advisors and confidants conspire with an enemy state, WE give him a free pass and let him remain president. When the Donald turns into the greatest threat to American Democracy, WE elect a stuttering, bumbling no good Irish crook from…THE FIRST STATE; WE elect Joe Biden from Delaware.
I mean talk about being unpredictable.
The last time Delaware coughed up anything of value to the nation a cancer-faced, military officer, Founding Father from St. Jones Neck hopped on his trustworthy but unnamed horse and rode 80 miles in a thunderstorm. I guess in this way, if you wanted, you could call Caesar Rodney the first real American Cowboy…Sorry Aaron 😉
Cesar Rodney died on 26 June 1784. 7 years and 361 days after he wore his Green Bandana and galloped 80 miles so America could be Independent.
So…Sleepy Joe gets elected and Donald is angry.
I suspect America’s Adversaries are even angrier.
I mean after all, they seemed to put quite a bit of time energy and money into getting Donald into the White House in the first place.
I wonder why?
No matter, you know why? Because, WE – THE PEOPLE – We’re UNPREDICTABLE.
Ever since David Cameron took it on himself to prise open Pandora’s box and call the E.U. referendum, the only thing that’s been predictable has been the utter unpredictability of what has followed.
Now, to be clear, there is a difference between BREXIT Unpredictability and American Unpredictability. The difference is Intent.
Unpredictable Americans had Good Intentions.
Unpredictable Americans are Good People.
David Cameron and BREXITers…not as much.
So, where does that leave us after the Brits predictably elected Keir Starmer…yesterday…On the 278th Anniversary of American Independence.
To be honest My Fellow Unpredictable Americans…I have no idea…
…And that’s exactly the way WE like it. 😉
So instead I wrote this song to let you know “how proud I am of each and every one of you.”
Thanks Grandma Marcus and Thank God.
Follow me if you want…I Will Wait. 😉
Happy Independence Day…
My Fellow Americans.
Yes, I know it’s the Fifth of July. 😂