The Power of Faith — Part II

Jack Bronco
3 min readNov 3, 2017


Faith is an interesting concept is it not? Has there ever been a word more widely used that is inherently misunderstood? Stop and consider all the ways and means the word Faith can and has been tossed around. Wide and various is it not?

Now consider the word Faith at it’s core and what it’s true meaning is to those that have at least some belief in God, Source or The Universe.

Faith is the invisible emotion and force that exists to propel people forward in their lives towards betterment. Towards fulfilling potential.

Faith is the voice in your head when those moments of implied defeat arrive. Faith is there with a whisper, “It’s ok, take what you can learn from this and leave the rest of it behind.”

Faith is there to let you know it is okay to take what you need from a negative experience and leave the rest of it on the side of the road to bake in the blistering noon sun

Faith is what tells you to keep your feet moving no matter how worn your shoes are and how sore your feet are.

Faith tells you pain is temporary no matter the intensity. Faith touches your shoulder when you consider not being able to withstand anymore — to let you understand death is still far, far away — don’t give up now

Faith leaves clues in the forest you are lost in telling you to keep going. The clue could be a sound, a morsel of food when hungry for days, water when dehydrated, less shade on one side of fork in the road.

Faith is very much the same as a loving parent, coach, teacher, relative, mentor or friend. A true loving entity that is there to show itself only when absolutely necessary to give you a nudge in the right direction.

No different than a loving parent standing close by to make sure the toddler doesn’t get near the top of the stairs while learning to walk. Learning to walk is for the toddler to learn on it’s own. Faith is there to make sure it doesn’t get anything other than a sore rump in the process.

Faith is what you have to believe in while engaged with this obstacle course portion of life.

No different than a mouse in a maze looking for the cheese. The mouse never saw the cheese. It was not granted a memo telling it that the cheese is behind Door Number 3 — go directly there. The mouse was placed inside the maze at the starting line (unsolicited by the way) and left alone. The mouse realizes to stay where it is and not move is not very attractive for many reasons. The mouse’s sensitive nose picks up the scent of the cheese which tells the mouse there is something better besides this bleak white, barren walled starting area and it starts to move. The mouse does not know where it is going. It is simple moving forward.

Does the mouse make wrong turns? This one may make several wrong turns while the next mouse or the mouse after may make more wrong turns or less wrong turns. The mice arrive at the cheese at different time spans. No two times are exactly one hundred percent alike. Some mice do not make it to the cheese at all. Some of the mice that do not make it give up very early when they take one wrong turn, grow frustrated and stay in the dead end which soon lives up to it’s name.

Some mice get so very close to the cheese and give up. In fact, I observed more than one mouse be ONE turn away from directly seeing the cheese that had slunk against the wall giving up all hopes and eventually perishing.

Whether the mice which enjoyed the cheese understood Faith completely is not completely clear. What is clear is the mice that made it to the cheese never gave up, never quit, never complained. They had moments of uncertainty, confusion, anxiety and fear. Yet, they shook those emotions off and kept moving.

So yes, one can say the mice obtaining the cheese had Faith…

Do you?

