Every Introvert must Break Free from this trap to live Happily.

Don’t Ignore it.

Bobba the gunman
5 min readMay 26, 2024

In my first year of college, some seniors asked us juniors if we wanted to work at an event for some extra bucks.

One of the seniors arranged this. He was friends with the event manager and he was to pay us later.

On that night, our senior told us we would be paid in a month after he received from the manager, who himself would get paid by his client.

So we waited.

Two weeks passed by and all the others were paid besides me.

I waited for a couple of days, and on the third day, fear started creeping in.

I got tensed. I called him and texted him. But no response.

I knew no one in the college, not even that senior.

And my only Idiot friend said, “He might have ghosted you as you were the only one left to be paid and kept the money for himself.”

I got furious upon getting cheated.

This started a chain reaction of thoughts, which was uncontrollable.

  • I should hunt down that event manager and get money from him.
  • Maybe I’ll find the friends of that senior, beat the shit out of them, and collect my money. (They were on our college football team)
  • Or I could call his parents and demand money.
  • I shall go to the police station.
  • Best, I should complain to the student council about this heinous crime.

I grabbed my bag and a pocket knife in case he refused to pay and fought me.

I stomped down the stairs, clutching my fists and throwing uppercuts in the air.

I raced across the campus, entered the administrative block, and walked toward the principal office when-


You have received 130 dollars.” And a text.

I’ve sent you 10 dollars extra as an apollogy as I kept you waiting and didn’t answer your calls. I hope you are happy. I’ll let you know if I have any work again.”

“Thanks”, I texted back.

“ Oh, maaaaan!!!! I am the biggest Ass h — ”

The Case of an Introvert

None of us are born introverts. We become one in the due course of life.

It’s our surroundings and circumstances we have been through that turn us into what we are today.

I wasn’t one, too.

After I attended a summer camp, I felt like I’d entered a new world where I was unwelcomed. The kids didn’t care about me or see me as one of them.

I was ridiculed for anything that seemed slightly out of the line.

And so, I made myself invisible and sought solace in solitude.

Eventually, I lost my connection with the world and could never change into my past self again.

I became an introvert and got the power of overthinking.

If unchecked, it can drown you in the sea of altered reality.

Overthinking: Curse or Blessing?

It depends upon the individual.

The mighty thinkers and philosophers always thought their way out whenever the world threw a question at them.

They pondered and pondered until they went crazy to find an answer.

They overthought but to find a solution for the greater good.

Instead, we live in fantasies. Imagine different realities. Play the past on a loop and scrutinise every other thing that we did or we would do.

While it can help critically analyze a problem and get to its root, it can create many problems if not controlled.

You will lose your control and make things up. You’ll think of the situations that might happen in your life and get anxious about an unreal thing.

All of this would be happening in your imaginary world inside that little brain, and no one could have the slightest hint.

Imagination is the Cause

I imagine and daydream a lot. I do it every day and have been doing it for many years.

It has now become my habit. A habit that every introvert has.

But it can turn into overthinking if you are not constantly aware of your thoughts.

It’s your responsibility to take care of your thoughts.

If you fall into the black hole of negative self-talk and blame yourself as the cause of every problem, then it could be devastating to your mental health and self-confidence.

You will end up harming yourself and others who care about you.

And end up in a therapy centre reciting your whole life infront of a spectacled woman asking:

And how do you feel about that?

At the same time, if you think about your goals, the people you love, and the life you want to have. Then, it will lead you to manifest them.

The Worst

The worst thing that can happen is affecting your relationships.

You will magnify tiny problems into world-ending disasters.

You’ll get so stuck in the What-ifs that you won’t be mentally present in the moment.

You will regret your past and worry about the future. And look for meaning behind everything people say about you.

It will generate misunderstandings with your loved ones and crack a rift in the relationships.

Even though every person overthinks, it must not affect your life.

It is just a defense mechanism of your brain to protect you from possible threats.

So let it be like that.

Closing Thought

Introverts are those who spend a significant amount of time with themselves than with others.

You look deep inside to find answers rather than wander off into oblivion.

It’s the personality where your mind is at work than your body.

You mustn’t be the puppet of your mind but rather the master of it.

The difference between a sane and insane person is having a controlled and lost mind.

Be aware of your situation. Awareness is the first step of prevention.

I’ve grown a much more controlled man since that incident.

If I hadn’t received that message just in time, I could have lost a relationship with a good person and tonnes of money.

Now, if I ever overthink, my idiot friend gives me a tight slap to bring me to reality.

As for me, I am a budding writer.

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See you in the next article, until then, Bye.

