2 min readMar 2, 2023

"Democratic Technology vs Authoritarian Technology: How Emerging Technologies Shape Societies and Governments"

The future of Africa represented by a young girl

Emerging technologies such as AI, public blockchains, generative AI, machine learning, and future technologies have the potential to shape our societies and governments in profound ways. However, their applications can have significant positive or negative consequences depending on the values and purposes behind their development.

In democracies, technological advancements have been used to enhance transparency and accountability in government operations, improve election systems, and promote civic engagement. For example, Estonia has implemented a blockchain-based e-voting system that has been hailed as a model of digital democracy. AI-powered tools are being used to develop personalized cancer treatments and detect early signs of natural disasters, while future technologies are being explored to address societal challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and education, while protecting individual freedoms and civil liberties.

In contrast, authoritarian regimes are using emerging technologies to control and monitor citizens' activities, restrict freedom of speech and access to information, and track financial transactions. China has launched a blockchain-based social credit system that assigns citizens scores based on their behavior and activities, which can impact their access to social services and other benefits. They have also used facial recognition and AI-powered tools to track and monitor citizens' activities and behavior.

It is crucial to understand that technology is not inherently democratic or authoritarian. The way technology is designed, developed, and deployed is what determines its impact on society. Therefore, technology designers and policymakers need to consider the potential societal implications of their technological innovations and prioritize the protection of individual freedoms and democratic values.

In conclusion, emerging technologies have the potential to transform our societies and governments in unprecedented ways. However, their development and deployment must be guided by democratic principles such as transparency, accountability, and individual freedoms. It is crucial to ensure that emerging technologies serve the interests of citizens, promote social justice and equality, and protect individual liberties, rather than being used to enhance the power and control of authoritarian regimes.


4% Azurbala, 9% Economist, 19% Get-Away Driver, 29% Creative Director, 39% Character Developer