My 5 Favorite Things: JULY

Bogdan Zlatkov
4 min readJul 8, 2016


Here are five things I discovered this month that I’m thoroughly enjoying.


Trello has been a game-changer for my peace of mind! I wish I had found this sooner! I’ve tried a dozen to-do apps and productivity hacks but none of them really worked the way I wanted. Trello is super basic but I love that.

With Trello you can create lists which appear side-by-side. You can then put your tasks into those lists and move them around as you progress through them.

I tried this with my video edits which can get immensely confusing. With more than 10 videos all in progress and at different stages, it’s easy to mix up which ones have shipped, which are awaiting feedback, and which still need my attention. Here’s a snapshot of how I setup my workflow in Trello:

Funny enough, this system is exactly what they make fun of in the HBO show Silicon Valley, but damn it works!

Here’s a link to join Trello if you want to give it a go.


This indie magazine is damn good. All the stories are high quality and will definitely make you want to get out into nature more often. I recommend bookmarking this site to your bookmark bar on chrome. Now anytime I have some spare time, instead of going on facebook and reading about my friend’s latest gluten-free hype, I can get inspired for the weekend.

Here’s my favorite article so far: 5 Steps to Ordering Perfect Coffee Every Time

#3 FUN NEW JAM: Mandela by Lowenherz & Freed

#4 GOOD READ: Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

There are a lot of books when it comes to entrepreneurship, but most of them are so overwhelming. They tell you what you need to do, give you 52 tactics to get there, and leave you to it, which usually just leads me to feeling stressed-out without doing anything.

This book is not like that.

Derek Sivers thinks very differently, it’s quite refreshing. Rather than trying to grow his business, he tried hard to keep it small. Rather than selling his business, he gave it away to charity.

Here’s a little excerpt from it:

Get the book, I’m pretty sure you’ll love it. It’s only 84-pages and great to come back to again and again. Here’s the link: Anything You Want: 40 lessons for a new kind of entrepreneur


“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I’ve been learning a lot about marketing the last couple of months and I’m realizing just how insidious it can be. Everything we’re consuming today has been perfectly crafted to appeal to us, to make us want it whether we want to want it or not. I understand where the marketers are coming from, they want to sell products. But I think this can cause immense dissatisfaction for the people being affected by it.

Yes, it’s nice to get nice things. It’s nice to be wealthy. This is undeniable no matter how much people try not to admit it. But at the end of my life will someone remember how much money I earned? Do we think about heroes like Elon Musk by how much money they earned? Or do we think of them by what they built for others? It’s an important distinction to make. Tesla makes Elon Musk rich only because Tesla makes other people’s lives richer. Give and you won’t need to worry so much about getting.

Those have been a few of my favorite things. If you’re interested in getting more good reads and recommends feel free to join my Monthly Mind Meld list. I promise you will never receive more than one email a month.




Bogdan Zlatkov

Telly award-winning Content Strategist, Video Wizard, World Wanderer, Writer, worked at Emmy award-winning production studio, beat Mark Zuckerberg at hockey.